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EFT Warrior

A player of the MMO eve online that uses EFT(eve fitting tool) to make fits that even people with very why skill points couldnt fly. This person can not use that fit themselfs most of the time

Person1:Dude that a nice fit in local
Person2: Ignore the troll he is an eft warrior

by BDeal November 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ugandan Warrior

Do you know da wae?

Ugandan warriors can show you the right path

by Red Barron 8810 January 15, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the many popular bots on SwiftIRC. It has multi-server support, it is mainly used to look up RuneScape stats.

Ice-Warrior is an awesome bot!

by The-Unknown March 6, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Enrique The Warrior

Enrique is a funny,cool,and crazy guy he love to have fun with he friends he make funny and crazy video he play Minecraft, GTA V and Gmod with he friends and he play football and he won the game and he want to go to Puerto Rico one day

Enrique The Warrior make video with Caroline Gaming and Pixel Creator and some of his friends Enrique is a really nice guy he love to help his friends and family and he is a good pvp player in GTA V and Minecraft he play challenge with he friends Enrique The Warrior real name is Enrique Caroline Gaming real name is Caroline and Pixel Creator real name is Jack all of Enrique friends Caroline,Nellys,Edgar,Jack,Joe,Brian Taylor,Anahi,Jazzy,David,Martin,Isabella,Joey,Alex,Alonzo,Roger,Omar,and more

P.s Enrique if you see this i love your video is make me happy keep it up bro

by Jessica100 February 3, 2017

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A huge penis or dick

He sucked my MANDIGO warrior

by MANDIGO January 26, 2015

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

ultimate warrior

One of the most popular wrestlers of the late 80's and early 90's. The posterboy for a wrestler who is all show and no talent. His wrestling ability consist of him running mad-sprint to the ring(usually tiring himself out before the match) then proceeding to shake the ropes as hard as he can. Once the match actually started his greeness was very apparent. The man couldn't even perform his trademark move correctly and actually hurt other wrestlers in doing so. The reason why the Warrior was so popular was plain and simple...he looked cool. Complete with a cut muscular body he also had huge feathered hair which would have made Bon Jovi jealous. He had a streamers flailing from his arms and bright colored facepaint. The Warrior has been noted as a strange man, yes his name is legally The Warrior. To say the least the Ultimate Warrior is or was the worst Heavyweight Champion ever!

Ha, Ultimate Warrior fucked up another move!

by Brandaminator October 10, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

road warriors

A sports team that plays well "on the road" as a visiting team, particularly if their record is better away than at home.

The Lions aren't so good at home, but they've become real road warriors with a 6-1 record as the visiting team.

by capryl January 3, 2011

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