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waste space

Adj: A waste of space, similar to Waste gash or waste man, But more offensive.

That chair is waste space

by killer-street August 12, 2006

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Sugar Wasted

The act of getting drunk off of a major sugar rush

Guy 1: Bro did u see anna last night? She was so sugar wasted!

Guy 2: No Way! So was Bridgett!

by ZeroCool096 February 19, 2011

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waste of space

waste of room, usually on computer hard drives, that could be used for better things. also see AOL&junk

man AOL is such a waste of space
that junk in my closet is a waste of space

by Mei Xian May 1, 2003

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chocolate wasted

when you're fucked up by CHOCOLATE over dosage. directions: buy a shitload of chocolate food products. it does NOT have to be plain chocolate: it can be cake, brownies, ice cream, etc....this is something extremely cool people do to have fun on Saturday nights.

me: Hey Liam, wanna get chocolate wasted on saturday?
liam: uhhh what?
me: you know??? when you eat a shitload of chocolate and you are wasted off it!!

by lildots22 September 26, 2011

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waste cake

some one who is extremley ugly or extremly gay or both.
originates from a mix of poof cake and waste man

"david belled me yestaday, he's such a waste cake!"

by Blondie N19 March 27, 2007

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Waste of Gas

taking the long way, intentionally.

"Hey look! A van full of cute boys! Lets follow them and afterwards get lost for a very long time!"

"Yeah what a fun waste of gas that would be! 'Welcome to Oklahoma'..well that's odd."

by my uterus and i September 27, 2005

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Kristina wasted

When you pass white girl wasted and pass out on your ex-husbands floor in your underwear while on your period after throwing up 3 times.

Hey girl, I was white girl wasted last night!

Nah, you were Kristina wasted.

by Chargergirl August 27, 2017

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