According Ben Shapiro the role of government is to protect HIM. Protect his religion. Protect his stuff from the rabble. Protect his stuff and religion from foreigners. Ha! Governmommy!
Hym "The role of government is to protect Ben. That's it. That's his entire thing. Protect his kids from SEEING a tranny of anything that might make them question their religious presuppositions. Protect HIM from getting his stuff taken (But OBVIOUSLY not ME, HYM, But HIM instead of me (because my stuff is being taken)). Keep people who might change how the government works from EXCLUSIVELY PROTECTING HIM to something else. I mean, the shit-libs just want to replace religion use it as a tool to force people to behave how they want them to behave. Just as bad but stoll better than the religion."
It’s part of girl math; it’s cash, however if you buy something with “government coupons” it voids the cost of the item, making it “free”
I bought this candy bar with “government coupons, therefore this candy bar was free
Executive Government is submitted by Muse Dictionary in Bored Zone I am fine with the blood of Jesus and the rest of the week and I will be there at the same time I don't have a car 🚗
Executive Government: Easy for me to get a new one 🤠☺️🙂☺️🤠🙂
On November 11th, you can kidnap any one girl and submit her to the government for illegal human experimentation to stop COVID-19 and other international threats in the future
Boy: Hey it's November 11th
Girl: Ok and
Boy: It's national submit a girl to the government for illegal human experimentation day
Girl: What does that mean
Boy: It means get in the van
United States government sanctioned effeminate boys, used for military operation and/or civilian pleasure
"Do you want a government sanctioned weaponized femboy?"
One who is capable physically of completing a job but rather chooses to sit at home and leach checks from the government.
Dave is such a “government sugar baby”, he needs to get off his ass and get a job.
The government doesn't NEED to watch you. So long as you accept the propositions of the Universal Submission Ethic I know EXACTLY where you are. I know where you are on Sunday. I know you need to work hard and be friendly so I know where you are going to be Monday through Friday.
Conspiracy theorist "ThE gOvErNmEnT iS wAtChInG yUo!"
Hym "I don't even need to watch you to know where most of you are and I'M actually being watched so I don't really see how my thing isn't worse than your fucking DATA."