Showing hair, to show hair: verb meaning to exhibit courage and/or expertise under pressure. Originally this was surfer and biker lingo from the mid-20th century, and relates to the era when it took a certain amount of daring for a man to wear his hair long.
'Nick's all talk. You'll never see him showing hair.'
The time after a party is over when everyone is piss drunk, and crazy, unthinkable things begin to happen. This display is especially funny to the sober people in the area.
"Dude, Tammy is so drunk right now! I can't wait to see the postgame show once we leave this party!"
Slooter Show- Verb - Slooters (sluts) that congregate together to form what people call the Slooter Show. This show can range from 2 to 15 Slooters who congregate at any given place at any different time.
For instance, Katie is waiting for Chelsea, then the slooter show will begin.
Shatters your heart into a million pieces when it ends.
Merlin was the reason i sobbed today.
“merlin the show” means sadness
Computer Show™ was a web show starring Mars Argo and Titanic Sinclair. They were directed by Tony katai, Titanic's friend. The show itself lasted from 2009 to 2014, but then it suddenly stopped, due to Mars and Titanic breaking up. Since then, they were deleted from Mars' and Titanic's YouTube channel, but there are tons of re-uploads.
~ Man, i really miss old Computer Show™ days...
- Same. I loved seeing Mars and Titanic do random stuff :(
The show you put on a streaming service when you don’t know what to watch. Your go-to for background noise, to sleep or do chores to.
We couldn’t decide on what to watch, so we just put on The Office, it’s our anchor show.