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victory nachos

when you reward yourself with luscious nachos after a day of hard work. They also cure diseases and are known to help you lose weight.

I think i have AIDS, time for some victory nachos

by The Dirty mexican November 27, 2013

victory plan

A plan you make the morning after passing out due to consuming vast quantities of coke (or other drugs) and then having a dream that outlines the plan. Usually (but not always) made by a comedian-turned-politician.

Person 1: Hey, you realize your 200-page master's thesis is due this evening?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: I see you've only written 5 pages so far, RIP.
Person 2: Don't worry I made a victory plan today, it will be finished in 2 hours.
Person 1: lol

Person 1: Why did you accept that MMA fight with a 1000 pound polar bear, surely you don't think you can win?
Person 2: I made a victory plan, no worries.
Person 1: lol ok

by randomnig2028 December 3, 2024

putanic victory

This is the "loser" version of a "Pyrrhic" victory, one that echoes the disaster of the Titanic on its maiden voyage. However, this one refers to the Russian president and his deluded invasion of Ukraine.

In three months of war in Ukraine, Russia's "special operation" can only be called a putanic victory with 25,000 dead Russian soldiers and close to 100,000 wounded.

by Rand Kremlin Paul May 14, 2022

Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!

Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!

RHM: "Let's go! we won the match, we're actually the best trio fr"
Nae Nae: "Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
Ollie Mollie: ...ok buddy

by Ray H. M. November 21, 2023

strength of victory

A horrible tiebreak method of deciding who makes the NFL playoffs.

The 2010-2011 Green Bay Packers will always be the team that made the playoff of the shitty 'strength of victory' tiebreak method.

by aaron flucking rodgers January 17, 2011

victory fire

A celebration after a long awaited victory in a game or sport.

Alan finally beat the finally boss in Donkey Kong 64 and decided to set a Victory Fire.

by VictoryFire88 January 19, 2016

Victory Cake

Victory Cake is a term that refers to any and all desserts that are eaten in celebration of or in anticipation for an event. Victory Cake may reference cakes, pies, smoothies, milk shakes, and cookies among hundreds of other options. Sometimes no special occasion demands the need for Victory Cake.

Guy: Wow that test was hard, better get some Victory Cake
Girl: I'm not pregnant, Victory Cake time!

by Paul Sack February 12, 2013