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1. what you call someone that is really "cool", or "tight".
2. a cheap snackbar that you can buy for 20c.

'hey you are wicked-stix, g.'

by Syk0-Assass!n June 12, 2003

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Wicked Skeng

A phrase used to brighten up a boring sentence.

What are you doing?

Just Wicked Skeng eating my cereal.

by DurrBronzz August 21, 2017

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Wicked Penis

A penis so incredibly evil that other penises shiver at the thought of it

Miranda: So Phil is pretty cute right?
Shelly: Girl, don't go near that man hes got a wicked penis

by PornyMustacheFetus69 July 4, 2014

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Beautiful ; Kind ; Caring ; Respectful ; Friendly ; Inspiring ; Sharp ; Sensitive ; Morning Dove

You're such an Eva... I'm so glad to know someone as Eva as you.

by chaos July 15, 2003

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Wicked Jose

The sexual act of of taking a dump between your bitch's tits and then motor-boating her.

Damn.. Chinese food sounded like a good idea last night. Didn't turn out so good when the Wicked Jose I dropped on my slag this morning turned out to be a mixture of diarrhea and unprocessed snow peas. I'm still picking out those peas from my teeth and she's pissed that the sheets are trashed.

by olsontex July 25, 2010

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wicked smurf

"good" "great", term used to express satisfaction. Stems from misheard mc hawking lyric, "you think i'm soft just because i'm wicked smart"

hardcore rugged and raw says:
want more stuff on my arms first
LES. says:
will look wicked smurf

by tom March 1, 2005

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wicked leafy

1. Something that is unquestionably one of the most interesting things in the world.

2. Common variation:
wicked leafy poing - expression upon seeing the aforementioned uber cool thing

1. "Whoa! The Marlins winning the World Series is wicked leafy!"

2. (while watching the bottom of the 9th inning) "Wicked Leafy Poing!"

by Heather October 26, 2003

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