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pants worm

A slithering villain that wakes up on your belly after a midnight rain.

Tom found his corduroys sullied when his unruly pants worm regurgitated his man-soil after being provoked by a flash flood.

by Brodie Staxxx April 1, 2020

Worming Out

Crawling into a sleeping bag and wriggling around as if one were a worm. The material, confinement, and ability to immerse oneself in Worm Mode makes Worming Out a comforting experience.

I’ve had enough fresh air and light—I’d rather be worming out in the dark

by 4kbunnientity September 8, 2022

Sausage worm

When a song gets stuck in your head

That song is a sausage worm it always gets stuck in my ear hole

by Ajs11111 April 16, 2018

Milk Worm

When a man climaxes on himself, and one long string like cum chunk lands on his or near his nut sack and flows down, later creating a weird scent if not cleaned.

Last night, I gave myself a milk worm, and had to take a shower because it stank too much.

by BiGbUrGeR1 October 22, 2018

slow worm

1. Someone with both a tendency to be late and yet somehow either inconsequentially or fortuitously so.

They may tend to either get away with it or even dodge the bullet.

They tend to simultaneously be a late worm. The early bird gets the worm. The late worm misses the bird but not the mud, there is always mud. Thus, it is not only better to be early but also to be late.

A slow worm is always late and thus bird proof. A survivor, escaping fate on account of being slow, retarded, delayed, behind, late, etc.

2. Something that is not a worm nor a snake but a fake snake.

It is in fact a lizard that has had its legs ripped off to pass as a snake to hawk on the highly lucrative snake market. Snake is used abroad as a delicacy to make either snake cake which is believed to bestow immense sexual prowess or snake bake which exorcizes unholy spirits inhabiting the left ear canal.

Lizard is only used in traditional medicine to make lizard custard, a purgative of such incredible and excruciating potency that it is rarely desirable out side of a few niche markets such as the Japanese tub porn industry. Supply far exceeds demand and it is of little value.

Sometimes referred to as a trans-snake. Not to be confused with Phalloplasty.

Steve: Holy shit! Did you see the news?
Dave: No, what's up.
Steve: Jack's plane crashed, no one survived.
Dave: Did he die?
Steve: No, he was late, he missed his flight.
Dave: He was always a slow worm.

Steve: Did you see Jack's latest Donkey Porn?
Dave: Yes, it was gross. Looked like a chocolate geyser.
Steve: Looked like a whale blowing sewage out of its blowhole.
Dave: She should submit it to the Guinness Book of Records.
Steve: They probably won't accept it, they'll say they can't rule out doping.
Dave: What do you mean?
Steve: She probably downed a pint of slow worm before the shoot.
Dave: More like chute.

by DeluxeFartJuiceLevelNine January 28, 2023

Burnt Worm

The dance a person does while being shocked by a taser, since the person is writhing on the ground with electricity coursing through their body.

When the cops hit him with a taser, he hit the ground and started doing the Burnt Worm.

by emtphil August 26, 2008

Worm Guzzler

A girl who gives alot of head. Also known as a bobble head.

"That girl just gave me some head"

"She gave me head yesterday"

"Damn she a worm guzzler"

by MrsBritt07 December 11, 2008