Essentially used as an affirmative or a generally lazy "Yes"
"Hey bruh you wanna do that pile of dishes from last week?"
"Yee yee boi"
Yee is word commonly used by the rednecks in central Texas. Having a good time you’d yell “Yee”
The act of not showering for months at a time while engaging in sexual acts with a known prostitute
I think my roommate my be a dirty Yee
Looks scary to approach but will always be kind towards you if they trust you. Kind, caring and compassionate. Kah yee's tend to be introverted and shy around people she doesn't know. She is a great friend and tends to be a person you can trust and believe. Generally has attractive people in her family and friends
she's kind of a kah yee
A very attractive and caring person but can be also a bit unstable. Also will generally have very attractive family members ;)
The phrase “yee yee muthafuka” is used as a term to mock people and be funny at the same time.
Billy: “Hey dude did u know the earth’s flat?”
Random dude: “Damn Yee Yee muthafuka”