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A sound someone might scream while throwing an object forcefully at someone or something

Person #1: Dude, you can’t throw, you have terrible aim
Person #2: What about now? YEET (throws something at Person #1)

by FruitFloatingThreateningly April 19, 2018

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A way of referring to cuts induced by self harm. First used in r/MadeofStyrofoam, (a subreddit based around self harm jokes and experiences) it soon spread to most SH communities because of the word's inconspicuous, and humorous nature.

"Accidentally hit Styro with my yeet session last night."

by Spilled Ink January 28, 2020

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A word you say while throwing something through the air

Once it was thrown or after it was thrown you say it was yeeted instead of yeet

Person:(throws empty water bottle) this b**** empty YEET
After it was thrown
Other person that water bottle was yeeted far

by Random human from the internet May 6, 2020

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The word that brain dead kids use

Hey Yeet me skeet. (Then hits a fat dab)

by XxXepic-sNiper-dude32xXx June 10, 2019

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A word Tom Holland has doesn’t know what it means

β€œwHat dOeS yEet mEAN?ΒΏ?”

by Weird224 June 1, 2018

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Usually underage children use the word yeet; and don't have no meaning and are wasting air on this earth

To quickly do something also.

You gay YEET.

by poppable October 2, 2018

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by Ally P Choppa April 5, 2018

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