Source Code

Friendly Night Funkin

A FNF mod made by AjTheFunky, Pretty much Lexi and Aoki's POV of Friday Night Funkin

Friendly Night Funkin has a new storyline, Lexi the 8 year old, battles new characters, with new songs, and completely new weeks, There even is a Doki Doki Literature Club week.

by Bored_Max November 18, 2021


The verbally-portrayed status/nature of a smooth-talking snitch who pretends to be tolerant/supportive of anyone who "uses" (i.e., consumes illegal drugs), but actually rats you out to da fuzz/Feds behind yer back.

If a computer or other complicated device is marked as "user-friendly", dat's all well and good, I guess --- it's when a PERSON claims to be this way dat ya should get antsy and suspicious.

by QuacksO August 7, 2018

friendly kick

A kick or 808 that is absolutely in no world friendly but makes the speakers shake.

Dickrider: The combination of the kick sound and the 808 is the perfect- like they match each other perfectly...

J Cole: Yeah they do...

Dickrider: They sit like here's the kick and here's the 808 and they just like-

J Cole: That's cuz that kick is friendly yo, that kick

Friendly kick: pblblbpblblbb

by gaycin December 24, 2021

Friendly warning

a threat.

person 1 : "Hey, next time you come, things might not go well. Take that as a friendly warning."
person 2 : "yeah sure that's very friendly"

by Sossololpipi January 30, 2021

bit friendly

A little bit friendly, Tbh this isnt really a word. John made it up ;)

I'm a bit friendly person

by Bit friendly August 2, 2017

Family Friendly

1. Making something in a «family friendly way» means saying something that everybody agrees to or something that makes everybody happy. Or you say something «family friendly» when you give your opinion about a situation nobody can tell exactly if they have to be negative or positive about and you choose the positve side.

X: OMG, man! They called me negative in class for saying T doesn't really love P.
Y: Well, man, that wasn't really family friendly.

by drjeanwinston February 17, 2019

Tweeco Friendly

Combining multiple short tweets into one tweet.

I'm gonna eat dinner
I love this show Glee
I feel like watching a movie

Tweeco Friendly: "I'm gonna eat dinner. I love this show Glee. I feel like watching a movie."

by kinstler13 April 28, 2011