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Rippin the Ford


“Damn y’all haven’t fucked yet? You must be rippin the Ford.”

by Broski42069 May 12, 2020

Kim Forded

When you’re in a FTM and the facilitator just shut that shit down so quick you didn’t even know what happened!

Jerbear: So I really think white wine is better than red.

Princess G: No way! Red is way better.

Jerbear: But I think that white...
Princess G: (interrupting Jerbear rudely) No Jer you’re wrong Bc I know everything blah blah blah

Lashes: (in a loud firm voice) Princess G you need to calm it down okay girlfriend.

Jerbear: Oh you just got Kim Forded Bitch!!!!

by Jerbear119 March 21, 2018

Christopher Ford

The nigga who made Stickman Odyessy

Go buy Stickman Odyssey by Christopher Ford.

by Pat the Potato August 24, 2017

Ford Courier

Ford Couriers aren't the best cars but will out do a Patrol if you've done up the car the right way and some times earn the "Toyota recovery vehicle badge" they love the 32's and front lockers and a 2" lift kit, she'll be taking you anywhere.

"just got a front locker for the old Ford courier," "bet it still wont beat the Prado" next minute "HOW!!"

A Ford Courier is a beast off road if done up right.

did you see the old Ford Courier out do the prado?? well shes a bloody ripper mate might have get one

by ford is best May 28, 2020


When voter turnout is poor enough, that a greedy liar gets elected and absolutely fucks up an entire province.

The NDP and Liberal candidates were so shitty that nobody voted, and new we're Ford-fucked.

by slashobvious January 18, 2023

Harvey ford

Harvey ford is a good person who is amazing at what he does hes good at sports and also has legendary statusm

Harvey ford is a legend

by Jaydee smith April 25, 2022

Lucy Ford

This is the correct answer A pseudonem used by Slug, the rapper of the group Atmosphere (Rhymesayers ent.) to several things, As he says for himself; Hip hop, the mother of his son and his relationship with depressed or manic "unstable" women.

"She's a complicated maze, a Lucy Ford depressed woman, this crazed bitch is perfect" (-Slug)

"Lucy Ford rap, I love her like a rap kid love's break"

"I wanna scream Fuck you Lucylong-termed girlfriend and mother to his son,
but the problem is i love you Lucy"

by annodat2 November 9, 2010

11👍 13👎