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Scenesters, are participants in a giant contest on the Internets to see who can sport the most ridiculous hair,listen to the most obscure, artfully tasteless music, and get away with not being called emo.
Scene and emo both share some common elements of fashion, hair, and homosexuality. Calling a scenester an emo will result in anger.
The main difference between emos and scenesters is scenesters are less depressed and whiny and a lot more retarded and obnoxious.
Unlike emos, who are stuck up because they are faking depression, scene kids are stuck up for the sake of... being stuck up.
One of the greatest enigmas of scene culture is that they hate being labeled "scene", even though they're trying to be scene, which is in fact a MIND FUCK.

"Are you scene, or emo?

"Dude, shut the fuck up! I'm unique damnit!"

"...Then why do all of your friends dress exactly like you?"

by ill3r September 5, 2009

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The Scene

A term used to describe the large collection of punk-derivative "core" bands, their fans, and their culture. The bands can play a variety of sub genres , ranging from metalcore, emo, and post-hardcore, to pop-punk and melodic hardcore. Fans are stereotypically middle and high school aged girls, but there is a good portion of young adults and males in the Scene as well. Some of the more popular bands that were included in the Scene are My Chemical Romance, early Fall Out Boy, and Pierce the Veil.

Guy: Is Twenty One Pilots in the Scene?
Girl: Depends on who you ask. I'd say not. There is a lot of overlap in their fanbases, though.

by dubesahc March 23, 2019

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Scene kids are kind of like emo, they dress very similarly, but scene kids will always call themselves scene. They're almost punk, but aren't as nice as punk kids. Scence children tend to prefer choppy hairstyles in two colors (blonde highlights, etc). They love to write with x's (hardxcore, scenexcore, kthx). Scene kids are more often than not stuck up and try to prove to you just how hardxcore they are and how they are so much cooler than you. Everyone knows that this is not true. Scene is more of a girl term, as scene guys are simply referred to as emo. Scene kids love to take pictures of themselves and post it on their many websites just to prove how fxxxing gorgeous they are. They wear heavy eye makeup which you can hardly see because their hair covers most of their face. Unlike emo, the hair is more of a fashion statement than and actual hiding of the face. They love to listen to bands that no one has ever heard of, and rub it in your face that they do. They don't actually DO anything except stand around and try and look cool. The love to say gunsgobang and zomg. They try to rebel against society by being just like everyone else in their group. They never hang out with "normal" people.

Ashley is a scenexgirl, AKA total snob and slut, she dresses in bright colored kid t-shirts and needs a serious dye job. She says "kthx kiddies, rawr" way to much and needs an attitude adjustment. <3432542333

by russa November 8, 2006

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A nicer way to say emo

"Scene" kid-Dude, I'm sooo scene i like taking pictures and dress like a kid that has no friends!

Normal kid-No, your just emo

by Emo kidz December 13, 2006

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a word used to describe kids of a certain music genre like hhard core or emo. usually they have choppy black hair, tight little kid shirts and tight girl pants. they go to local shows NOT "concerts". they call themselves "tuff" and sometimes talk like they're ghetto. they seem obnoxious and snobby but usually they are very nice people. just dont mess with them. they'll beat you up.

but sometimes kids outside the scene use it instead of cool. but those kids are just posers. like the other fags that wrote below me and dissed the scene. they probably either a) need midol or b) werent accepted by the scene and they're solving their teen angst problems by bad mouthing me and my friends on this website.

poser-like oh ehm geez! you are sooo scene!!

by jimmyxsullivan is love September 6, 2005

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-uses slang and phrases like 'the sex', 'rawr', 'guns go bang', 'gangsta gangsta', 'shem on a bun'
-they like to add x's to stuff like screennames
-uses unknown abbreviations, and abbreviates band names ex:blg patd/p!atd fob pm
-on myspace, they have names that start the same like 'Super Sam!', 'Kiki Kannibal', and 'Stillman the Starfish'
-very outspoken
-like to swear, poseurs tend to swear too much
-saw ftw instead of wtf, pronounced fa ta wha?
-they ACTUALLY dont care what people think, they dont just claim to be
-they do what they want
-ofter hXc and occasionallysXe
-usually own a myspace
-abbreviate swears often while typing ,like 'f'
-say what they think, often say 'u suck at life'
-use video game nerd lanuage like 'snipe', 'pwn', and 'n00bs'
-insults are good when coming from scene kids, dont be offended it your new scene friend says 'luv ya betch', that is a good compliment
-on myspace, examples of scene queens are Kiki Kannibal, Audrey Kitching, and Stillman the Starfish
-don't ever admit your scene, don't even think your scene
-have idols no one knows about, artists are a good choice like, Frida, Andy Warhol, and Salvador Dali.

-dresses emo or somewhat indie, but lacks the emotion of an emo kid

-tight pants
-band shirts
-rugged blazers
-warm knit scarves (often striped0
-snakebites are popular, and scene girls like them, but boys with snakebites are sometimes assumed gay
-plugs are always good, but are becoming less popular because hair is often covering them
-side lip piercing is becoming popular, like paul from blg (boys like girls)
-hoodies are always cute, some girl hoodies work well, these can be tight or baggy
-wristbands are always cute
-colorful or studded belts, belt buckles will gain you instant scene points
-messenger bag w/ patches and buttons
-fringe/bangs are long and in face, when the back is at normal legth

-tight jeans
-septum piercings are popular, but are somewhat overrated
-monroe piercing (above lip like marilyn monroe's mole, meant to look like a beauty mark)
-messenger bag w/ random buttons and patches
-sometimes long flowy skirts
-search images of scene girl hair, there are too many styles to list!
-band shirts
-anything hello kitty
-little girl hair clips and bows in hair

-shoelaces in hair
-anything unicorn
-hello kitty
-septum piercing
-tight pants
-band shirts
-anything leopard
-short brown hair, fringe halfway down face
-cupcake cult watch
-'sex bracelets'

xXdismalJOYXx:are you going to the patd concrt?
xxpanicwithmexx: ftw, my rents wont let me f f f f f f f!!!!!! im so hardcore, i wanted to mosh!! f f f f!!!
xXdismalJOYXx:ok... that was akwrd
xXDismalJOYXx:im gon go tak myspc pics *flees at sight of poseur*

prep:your such an emo
scene:no im not
prep:look at you!
scene:i lack emotion, emo people are emo-tional

by Original Scenester February 13, 2008

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In a nut shell...
Scene people are considered a more refined, more artistic, musically literate version of emo people.

That scene kid won't listen to anything else but 80s Punk. He's so hardxcore.

by ShellzNutz October 14, 2007

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