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baked potato

A couch potato who is also extremely stoned. (see also baked)

Dude, let's go get something to eat!You've been just staring at the TV all night with that bong in your hand, you baked potato!

by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baked Potato

1.The gayest of all homosexual acts known to man. Performed by a two men. One holds the other upside down, while both perform oral sex to the other.

2. Used as a derogitory term when one does not like another person. Can be used in three forms: The original "Baked Potato", The "Flamin' Baked Potato", and
the "Homing Missile Baked Potato". Each with coresponding hand gestures.

"The Ref. likes the Baked Potato." "Take your Baked Potato, light it on fire, and throw it. Kaboom." "Take your Baked Potato, light the fuse. Three, Two, One, blast off."

by J.ADAMS June 7, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baking a Cake

Art of creating a relationship with a women. Meeting a girl is spotting the ingredients. Introducing yourself and/or talking to her for the first time is buying the ingredients. Putting the cake in the oven is when your "talking" with a girl. Taking the cake out is dating a girl. Eatting the cake is doing anything sexual with a girl. Little bits are kissing and making out. Decent bite is a makeout session/ dry humping/a lot of physical body contact/fingering. Eatting half of the cake is receiving/performing oral sex. Eatting the whole cake is having sexual intercourse. Very simple, but can become extremely creative and easy to use.

"Hey bro, whats up with that girl? you baking a cake?"

"lol yea bro its still in the oven. ima take it out in a couple weeks."

"dope dope im already eatting my cake dog"

"hahaha nice nice"

by happybakerAchmed:) October 24, 2008

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cake bake

1.The act of obstructing one person's advances towards another.

2.A situation that obstructs; an obstacle

3.An act of ill etiquette in which a male is speaking to one female in a group of females, and the alpha female creates a disruptive environment.

I was kicking it to some fine lady until Abid cake bake-d me...I ended up taking a long cold shower that night.

by Babylon631 October 26, 2011

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baked chicken

Usually a female, while laying on her back with her arms and legs drawn up like the limbs on a baked chicken.

After doing it doggie style, my girlfriend turned over on her back into the baked chicken.

by PooperScooper September 24, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

baking up

To start the day by smoking a joint
aka wake and bake

The best part of waking up is baking up!
Wake and bake, man! That's my entire philosophy!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada May 26, 2009

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Baked Off

Watching 'The Great British Bake Off' while high on marijuana edibles - Particularly Baked good

'Ready to watch baked off tonight?'
'Yeah sounds good'

by Jean Pierre-Jean October 11, 2020

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