Very cool place filled with lots of amazing paintings by ppl like Cezanne, Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh. etc. Art is uniquely situated in a way that makes viewer ~*appreciate*~ the work by allowing the indiv. to create their own connection between pieces.
Gift shop is very chill + filled with handmade items. They also have a restaurant with, “The best soup I’ve ever had” - Vince
“Gosh, this museum is nice & all, but it’s no Barnes Foundation.”
Definition of a very nice character / a person with no enemies.
My friend Hector is such a Horace Barnes.
The hefty dong of a well endowed sailor
Is the barn arm over the yardarm yet?
a snakey snake from sydney mines and dates guys no longer then 5 days and has a new boyfriend every week:)
ayo your girl is starting to sara barns on you
A term used to identify the hood ass stray cat that lives on the local farm, that fucks your house cat and leaves. Can often lead to your cat acting like more of a bitch than they usually do.
The cat has been acting strange lately. I'm pretty sure she's been seeing that barn nigga up the street.
A midnight run where two or more bros break into a barn and sodomize the living shit out of every animal. Viagra is also involved so it results in a gargantuan bone orgy.
Kyle and Sheldon fill their pockets to the brim with Viagra, patiently waiting till midnight for a much anticipated Barn Fuck.