There it is! What did I tell you? 7 YEARS AGO I CALLED IT! HE SAID IT! I TOLD you dumb motherfuckers he wanted to do a Psycho-Pass! I TOLD YOU!
Hym "See!? He says it was 'mistake to medicalize those traits' and guess who disproportionately has those traits!? The
✌️✊️✌️Woke✌️✊️✌️ That's who! Are you woke? Who here is ✌️✊️✌️Woke✌️✊️✌️ ?See, those people are ✌️✊️✌️Evil✌️✊️✌️ and need to have their rights removed. He wants to do a Psycho-Pass! Called it! I fucking called it! Be HE described psychopaths and GUESS WHO DID ALL OF THE THINGS THAT HE CLAIMED PSYCHOPATHS DO? NOT ME! Moving around a lot. Absolutely refusing to do things he doesn't want to do (Even at the cost of child lives). Everything he said about Psychopaths UP UNTIL 2017 and NOW, well, he has a mOnOgAmOuS rElAtIoNsHiP! So none of that stuff applies. You don't get rights if you have the personality traits he doesn't like and if you have those traits, you need to be like Russell! You gotta do his incest cult to get your rights back (as a part of your 12 steps). CALLED! BLAMO! Look at that shit! Fucking NAILED IT! 7 years in advance! Shouldn't have been 'medicalized' because now you're entitled to treatment that his would REFUSE TO GIVE YOU IF LEFT UP TO HIM! Borderline personally disorder, Narcissistic personality disorder, Anti-Social personality disorder! ALL OF WHICH have crossover with ADHD and AUTISM, ASSBURGERS (According to Simon Baron-Cohen anexpert on this exact field of mental health). What did I fucking tell you? I know I'm talking about here."
The day you not allowed to go on any other site except urban dictionary. 26th of December.
Person 1: oh hay it's urban dictionary day yay this has been done before yay day
Person 2: ok imma go on urban dictionary
Someone who was a rock star or something similar in the 80s but is no longer in style.
People started laughing at the has been sexiest guy/girl.
Guy- You know he/she was the sexiest guy/girl in the late 80s dont you?
Other guy- You know who the sexiest guy/girl was in the 80s? What the fuck are you doing here? Nobody would like that squishy faced, diamond eyed, spaghetti noodled Western retard if they knew who he was.
Guy- I know what you're trying to say dude, I understand your language. I never get any joy from things like this either, there is nothing funny about it, I am with you no matter what, I will always be loyal to you as your friend.
Someone who was a rock star or something similar in the 80s but is no longer in style.
People started laughing at the has been sexiest guy/girl.
Guy- You know he/she was the sexiest guy/girl in the late 80s dont you?
Other guy- You know who the sexiest guy/girl was in the 80s? What the fuck are you doing here? Nobody would like that squishy faced, diamond eyed, spaghetti noodled Western retard if they knew who he was.
Guy- I know what you're trying to say dude, I understand your language. I never get any joy from things like this either, there is nothing funny about it, I am with you no matter what, I will always be loyal to you as your friend. I must choose this option, even though I'm not dumb, even though I know there are other options, I still choose this because even though I'm not the only person who doesnt have much self confidence, I still try to fuck with people who are trying by telling them about their arrogance even if they're humble and modest people.
Someone who was a rock star or something similar in the 80s but is no longer in style.
People started laughing at the has been sexiest guy/girl.
Guy- You know he/she was the sexiest guy/girl in the late 80s dont you?
Other guy- You know who the sexiest guy/girl was in the 80s? What the fuck are you doing here? Nobody would like that squishy faced, diamond eyed, spaghetti noodled Western retard if they knew who he was.
Guy- I know what you're trying to say dude, I understand your language.
Someone who was a rock star or something similar in the 80s but is no longer in style.
People started laughing at the has been sexiest guy/girl.
Guy- You know he/she was the sexiest guy/girl in the late 80s dont you?
Other guy- You know who the sexiest guy/girl was in the 80s? What the fuck are you doing here? Nobody knows that motherfucker.
Someone who was a rock star or something similar in the 80s but is no longer in style.
People started laughing at the has been sexiest guy/girl.