Words and labels used as false/unproven allegations to vilify a person or groups of people.
The user of these words thinks that his/herself is awesome but, in reality, these words are convenient accusations used by the ego, to attack the other person/persons for their unworthiness, to bolster it's own awesomeness. This practice is an attempt by the user, to compensate for his/her true lack of integrity, intelligence, compassion, humility and lack of awareness - usually, unbeknownst to the user.
Example of words that can be used as "boogie man words": cooties, witch, boogie man, fascist, racist, homophobe (and at one time, homo), xenophobe, transphobe, conservatives, Trump supporters, anti-vaxxer, climate-denier, conspiracy theorist, tin-foil hatter, flat-earther, etc...
Pundit: "the democrats use boogie man words to silence the opposition"
Having sex in a truck or vehicle with a pull up bench seat in the middle
“Yeah me and Chloe did a little bench seat boogie last night in my F-150
There is nothing that smells worst than him.
Smells better than Boogie Man.
a friendly man who eats cheese and naughty kids
billy turned off the lights in the daycare and the boogie man ate 'em
A UwU guy who has a axe in his hand
2: was it the Boogie man~?
The meaning when a man confesses his love to the person hes talking to
Jessica i feel oogie boogie boo boo towards yoy
The act or art of your ladie friend sucking on your cock.
Last night my wife was doing the slobber boogie on my meat whistle on back porch and the neighbors caught us.