According to the Cheer Stasi male cheerleaders are illegal and are soon to be banned everywhere. Joining female sports is highly illegal and punishable. Male cheerleaders effect female cheerleaders performance in competitions and practices.
Male cheerleaders should be banned world wide and should be illegal. Avoid male cheerleaders.
A cheerleader's pubic hair shaved into an arrow to remind stupid football players where their penis goes
The landing strip of cheerleaders remind the stupid football players where to put their penis.
Young girls drinking wine coolers
They brought cheerleader juice to the party
a more sophisticated version of "that's what she said". Also used for a more broad range of sexual things.
Friend 1: "ugh, why won't this thing fit?!!?"
Friend 2: "hahah, cheerleader problems."
A term non-cheerleaders use to make fun of cheerleader culture
"look at that group of bulimic cheerleaders"
Types of food cheerleaders should eat. Only heathly power foods such as vegetables, lean meats, low sugar drinks and lots of pure water.
Alyxis, don't get that crappy cereal. You need Cheerleader Food to stay healthy and fit for your teammates.