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cheesy mc double

An insult complement and word used to Express joy

David:fuck you you cheesy mc double

by Duck with the drip November 25, 2021

cheesy tuna

Noun: A woman's (usually a prostitute, slut, whore) loose vagina becomes infected with a yeast infection. The yeast coats the vagina, giving it a tighter grip; yet the vagina still emits strong a yeasty fish smell.

Did you hear? Jordan slept with skank from the Sheetz! He needed a gas mask to plow that Cheesy Tuna

by Mtnd3wman February 7, 2025

Cheesy freash

Cheesy freash

when you are really cool.

You are cheesy freash, we should be friends.

by LannC319 January 7, 2017

Cheesy Browns

Vinnys favorite morning snack, it consists of some cheesy browns. A rare delicacy consisting of some of the finest Lunds and Byerlys cheese mixed with pure Idaho potatoes shredded fresh from the ground.

Me: Hey Vinny! What did you have for breakfast?
Vinny: Hey man I just had some cheesy browns!

by Bgohlke February 16, 2021

Cheesy Plumber

The act of plumbing someone's anus while the person being fucks defacates on your penis

I gave your mom a cheesy plumber yesterday. Fucking amazing bro!

by Saladass6969 March 4, 2016

Cheesy blanket

A cheesy blanket is when one gets a thin sheets cheese and proceeds to put it on his/her partners asshole.

Aw man I fucking love cheese

P2 then boy o boy will you like this, its called a cheesy blanket! It's when yo-

by IronicDarkness December 5, 2017

Cheesy Balls

What boys balls look like if they dont shower for a week

Girlfriend, Whats that on your Balls Ew.
Boy 2,i didn't shower for a week and got cheesy balls

by ~~~~~O_O~~~~~~ January 28, 2022