Running around aimlessly. To not have a direction.
I'm going to the market to chicken around
The act of having sex on the beach pulling out slapping your dick in the sand then putting it back in
"i did the breaded chicken move and she didn't like it"
When you get too old and are no longer a spring chicken but not yet a fall chicken
My lady ain't no spring chicken no more, but she's still my summer chicken
A woman who is smexy and lays eggs. Especially scrambled eggs. Aka MADDIE
Woah she gave birth to a scrambled egg.
No way!! She is a smexy Chicken!!
A control bit stored in a register, used in ASICs and other integrated circuits to disable or enable features within a chip .
This is done for debugging and troubleshooting.
We couldn't figure out the issue with branch prediction , so we flipped a chicken bit and disabled it altogether
A girl who is only after money or something that you can give her, then she's gone. Basically a woman you can't wife because she's a gold-digger.
˜Yo aki, you know that girl Keisha??˜
˜Yea. She took all my money & I ain't seen her since.˜
˜Damn you got hit by a CHICKEN ON THE RUN˜
Completely worthless, useless.
As useless as tits on a chicken.