Adjective to describe something worthy of being talked about; impressive, interesting, or cool; a thing you would tell your friends about.
"That is one chobblesome sculpture. I've never seen anything like it!"
When something is talk-worthy (in a positive way), something that you would talk about a lot.
Their interior decorating skills are quite chobblesome.
Chobblesome is a word that means something to be positively talked about.
John's hair looked very chobblesome today
When something is worth talking about for positive reasons. Made by content creator grian
Your looking very chobblesome in that blue and pink shirt
means 'to be talk-worthy' or 'should be talked about more.
PearlescenceMoons base is very chobblesome
a word made up by popular minecraft youruber grian. Used to describe something; meaning it’s something to talk about positively
your shirt is looking rather chobblesome
invented by grian
means talk-worthy
that base is quite chobblesome