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Common Albino

A derogatory term used against white people, since they say the n-word is just a word. This is followed by hundreds of different funny insults used on white people.

“Is mayo monkey the only insult you can think of?”

Shut your mouth you common albino

by CarlisCroissant August 1, 2021

common girls

a white blond girl who typically goes to Emmanuel school, Streatham and Clapham, graveny, Woldingham who has a big ass and tits and wears and north face puffer jacket and goes to Wandsworth common on the weekends to do ket, contract aids, vape Mango and strawberry ice vapes, and spill glens vodka on their north face

yo jack have you seen those fit common girls over there?

by silver shuriken February 22, 2022

Common Drag L

When a certain individual named drag fails to perform a simple task and fails miserably.

Drag fails to get a easy kill in valorant "Common Drag L"

by SadTofu November 29, 2022

teen common sense

This is what adults use when they think they are supposedly smart.

I'm giving a word an extra prefix because why the fuck not? It'll make me sound smarter.

"I hate teens who use teen common sense, unlike normal common sense."

by Coalizee September 18, 2019