To walk underneath a stream of bodily fluid coming from an intoxicated individual on a balcony
Calum: “so Daniel I was walking underneath a balcony and copped a spray! Think I need a shower”
Daniel: “Oh no! You’ve copped a spray. Would you like a towel?”
Calum: “No thanks, Daniel. I have my own.”
To feel and touch. to rub on in an sexual way.
I really wantd to "cop feels" with you.
That was the third time that tree cop has checked my fishing license.
Get a dime bag an 8th or whatever of weed.
Yo, where can I cop a holla?
A police officer who goes crazy for no reason.
“He shot her for no reason! They should fire that kangaroo cop.”
To cop a mouse is to get a black eye. It was theorised that the term (originating in the 1800's) uses 'cop' to refer to the word 'catch', and 'mouse' to refer to the fact that a mouse is roughly the same size and colour/color of a black eye at its worst.
“Careful with the fight tonight. You wouldn't want to cop a mouse.”