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Cop a holla

Get a dime bag an 8th or whatever of weed.

Yo, where can I cop a holla?

by ClevelandBaby216 July 26, 2008

Conference cop

Having sexual intercouse on a conference with someone you met at the said conference.

Jeez, I really hope for getting some conference cop this weekend.

by Mr. Cocksson March 1, 2020

Samurai Cop

One of the greatest action films of all time about a skillful Cop who was trained by the masters in Japan and speaks fluent Japanese

Friend: "Dude have you seen Samurai Cop? That movie is a classic!"

Dude: "What are you talking about that movie was-"


Dude: "Your definitely High my friend'



Henchman: "They call him Samurai, he speaks fluent Japanese.."

Samurai Cop: "Are you, Fuj- Fujiyama?"

Nurse: "Would you like to go out with me?"
Samurai Cop: "Uh uh yes I would"
Black Cop: 😐
Nurse: "Would you like to fuck me??"
Samurai Cop:😳
Black Cop:

by KineticDefiner August 4, 2021


A cop who is sloppy and is easily bout bought by women who smoke and shoot meth.

They get out of Jail free by giving up the HONEY BUCKET. A LOT

Sweet D gave up the HONEY BUCKET 32 times this week because all the SLOP COPS know they can get free BJs at the park.

At least she gets free rides the park.

by DALLAS_JOE June 26, 2020

Copulation Cop

A Copulation Cop is an person that is completely against the act of sex. As a result they do everything in their power to make sure nobody else is able to get any type of action. (ESPECIALLY BEFORE MARRIAGE)

Your dad is such a Copulation Cop; I can’t believe he set up cameras in your room to monitor you.

by Greenbriar29 March 7, 2023

GTA cop

Somebody who calls the cops when you barely tap them or their car. See crybaby and snowflake

P1: I got into this fender bender and the little shit called the cops
P2: Dude they're such a GTA cop

by fuck off nosy ass prick April 13, 2021

Copped a spray

To walk underneath a stream of bodily fluid coming from an intoxicated individual on a balcony

Calum: “so Daniel I was walking underneath a balcony and copped a spray! Think I need a shower”

Daniel: “Oh no! You’ve copped a spray. Would you like a towel?”

Calum: “No thanks, Daniel. I have my own.”

by 717 April 25, 2019