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Eskimo Gang

A clan made on the Plague Blvd Minecraft server
by music artist fl.vco of the music group Spider Gang. Currently at war with the clan Tonka Wrld

yo im in Eskimo Gang, fuck tonka. We Up

by Applaudedboss February 4, 2022

Eskimo Father

One of your friends who has fucked your mother.

Hey Josh, I fucked your mom last night so from now on you can refer to me as Eskimo father.

by league fan July 20, 2013


The world so cold got my heart on froze

Eskimo froze It's a cold world out there don't get Avalanche blizzard frosty hey

by July 11, 2020

Black Eskimo

An African American who specializes in slanging cocaine.

Who’s got the number for the black eskimo around here? I need that white girl ASAP!

by ItsWhoo July 17, 2018

Eskimo brotherhood

When a girl is intimate with so many guys it creates a network/makeshift street gang out of it, think of it as a free way to get an STD
See homie hopping and Eskimo brother

John: So you fucked Becky too, welcome to the Eskimo brotherhood
Caleb: Thanks man do you guys do crack and stuff?

by Baraka's Description May 10, 2020


Slur towards Inuit, the indigenous group residing in Alaska, Greenland, Canada, Russia

Should never be used in a sentence. One form of insult to the people is calling men " eskimo brothers" when sharing the same sex partner

by Inukdude February 23, 2024


An idiot that lives in a cold place. They look like mammoths with messed up teeth and stuff.

Ew john looks like a eskimo!!!

by Zatiotion June 14, 2017