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Anal fit

When a girl is so fit boys would do anal with them

'God she is anal fit man!'

by Paddyvibes July 21, 2015

Thiccc Fit

When she thiccc AF but you know she goes to the gym.

Damn that girl looks like all she does is do squats and eat burgers. She thiccc fit.

by Adubizzle October 5, 2019

Chrissy fit

When a little bitch throws a hissy fit over getting his balls busted in the fire station.

When the crew of the Hazards busted Sully's balls, he threw a hissy fit and slammed the door and busted the clock!! Chrissy Fit

by Lyrical Assassin September 9, 2017

fit lad

A lad who is better looking than most a model

Ewan is a fit lad

by ladinbootle May 4, 2016

Hayden Fit

Hayden Fit is a person who is super fit. He spends 23 hours in the gym every minute and chugs a 5 gallons of pineapple juice to establish dominance. One who is Hayden Fit seems like a really fit guy.

"Oh look, it's Hayden Fit! Teach me how to get abs!"

by 2n1lah November 23, 2021

fitness stain

The area of perspiration on an individual's pants/shorts in the butt-crackal or taintal region made visible to the eyes of the surrounding audience; most commonly associated (but not necessarily) with strenuous activities - such as working out.

Hey dude. . . before we go out in public, you gotta do something about that gnarly fitness stain you have goin' on down there! Does that not bother you?

by Stupidjerkheadface April 9, 2016

friction fit

technical term for shoving something into a tight spot and hoping it'll stick

My dad saved money on screws by making a friction fit chair. Now I have a broken tailbone.

by resamoc June 5, 2023