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american football

It's called Gayball in Europe

Hey dude, do you want to play gayball?
You mean american football?
Yes, gayball

by Cadel Evans July 23, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

Pretty much the dumbest idea ever. For one thing, it's not even football! Football is what you idiotic american football players call "soccer"." Soccer" is REAL football! In your retarded football, you don't even use your feet! Unlike in REAL football! For another thing, take an awesome game that isn't for pussies, rugby: no pads, no stopping in between every play, no 5 hour games, and no stupid goal as big as the field itself! Take that awesome sport over seas to america, have some stupid lard-a's that do nothing but sit on their asses all day and watch TV, screw around with it, take REAL football's name cause they can't think of anything else cause they're failures at life, and you get american football: a "sport" for fatties that can't run for more then 15 seconds max.

american football player:You're a pussy.

ME:I play soccer and alley rugby, and your calling me the pussy! You're the pussy for playing american football. At least I can run for 90 min.'s straight without stopping every 2-15 seconds. And, all I wear pad-wise are tiny little shin guards, not a full body suit of new-age armor.

american football player:Football's a man's sport!

ME:My point exactly! You're all homosexuals! Just look at the way you touch each other!

american football player:We're not touching each other, we're hitting each other!

ME:Can you even feel that through those hundred-pound pads you're wearing. Plus, what is the point of the butt-protecters, just to make it harder for you're gay colleagues to get to it? I sure hope you guys are wearing condoms in those so called "dog piles". It would be horrible if a whole team died of AIDS, on second thought, do what ever you want.

american football player:well...ummm...well .......

ME:Oh, I'm sorry is your mouth guard in?

american football player:you....uhhhhh....y ou.......

ME:Yeah, that's what I thought.

ME:PEACE! Baby Gap.

by kellysucksbutirideitanyways February 13, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

A made for Tv "sport" which usually involves some incredibly large men (usually on as many drugs each as a whole pro cycling team) running into each other and then standing around for about 5 minutes while the commentators discuss how well it was defended and how they were lucky to advance even a yard. And then there'll be some action and then later someone will run across a line at the end of the field amid much excitement. Meanwhile any person not called "Bubba" or "Chuck" will be asleep. That why games are scheduled to be on in the middle of the night in the UK, it's part of a govornment program to cure insomnia.
All this and they have the nerve to steal OUR name for real football and then call it boring! AT LEAST OUR SPORT DOESN'T STOP FOR AD BREAKS!

"Hey Bubba, let's do somthing fulfilling and worthwhile with our lives!"

No, Chuck. Let's watch American Football insted!

by Thom Yorke July 22, 2004

69๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

A sport that can be played professionally by any retard who can afford McDonald's or Steroids on a daily basis and/or can run real fast. A gym subscription will also come in handy for this sport. Played on a field which is 100 yards in length, the retards tackle each other fighting over a pigskinaka the football. When one of the leaner players on the field makes it to the other team's side points are scored. This is called a touchdown. Points can also be scored by a field goal where the pigskin is kicked between two poles.

Forest kept on running and running, even after scoring the touchdown.

by RicDaSpic April 12, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

the best damn sport ever invented... for all you europeans making football sound so easy i would love to see yalls ass on that field and in that wieght room year around trying to get ready for football season and we wear pads cause we're so damn strong and so fast we'd die from hittin so hard so shut the fuck up damn europeans

jimmy: hey man lets go play some rugby.

corey: hell no dude rugbys for smelly europeans who like huggin each other the game, lets play some good ole american football.

by bobby buschay July 30, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

a sport fat pussyoles who need to wear pads to stop them crying, and who need breaks every 10 seconds cos they are too tired. :(

1: american football is a game for pussyoles
2: too right man

by lolipopz November 4, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Football player

(Note: I'm talking about American football, fucking Euro-Trash)

Think of a rugby player, only bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, and in pads.

Football players play the most psychically and mentally demanding sport in the world.

by Tonio31 August 13, 2006

165๐Ÿ‘ 252๐Ÿ‘Ž