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On Homie Shit

The absolute one thing the boys cannot lie upon. If you do choose to lie the ultimate punishment is guilt. The boys will shun you and be extremely disappointed in you. One time I heard a kid lied after saying “on homie shit” and he was never seen again.

1: “Bro did you and her really hit it off last night?”

On homie shit we did!”
2: “dude say on homie shit you didn’t eat the last donut.”

“ on homie shit I didn’t, I swear”
3: “I dare you to jump in the fountain”
“On homie shit?”
“On homie shit bro”
“Ight bet”

by Homie king July 12, 2022

dick homies

When you homies and it’s ok to share dick.

Andy: Hey Dana, we homies right?
Dana: Fa sho
Andy: Let me get some dick
Dana: Bet, we dick homies now

by DezyWall January 5, 2018

Broke Homie

Materially less fortunate, but spiritually RICH homies. They tend to only be down at the current moment and have high spirits about getting their lives back on track.

Look at those Broke Homies over there, I wonder if they ate today.

by imsofirst August 26, 2019

Mii homie

Your homie kisses you good night

Your homie all ways wants you instead of McDonald’s

Your homie will help put it in

Your homie falls in love with you the kisses you on the lips then tells you to hush

I’ll see you to night mii homie ay ay no homo tho I want you for food tonight

by Beat it daddy 555 April 11, 2019

homie walk

a short walk with one or more of your homies to talk/rant about your life, mood, girls, and sex lives. or when you’re sad.

yo homie, i’m bored and i got stuff to talk about. let’s go on a homie walk.

by heartbroken homie May 14, 2019

Homie Huddle

When you out with the boys and Y’all get cold, so you start to snuggle up together.

Brent: “Dude are you guys gay? Why were you spooning last night?”
You: “Due, Brent, it was cold last night, we had to do a Homie Huddle.”
Brent: “Shit, my bad, but can I join next time?”

You: “Hell yeah, homie.”

by Flimsy_Man83 November 11, 2019

Dylan’s Homie

A person who is weird, acting sus, or annoying that no one wants to claim to know or claim to be friends with

* at a party *
Dan: Who’s that weird guy who’s in the kitchen? Who brought him?
Ian: Oh, that’s “Dylan’s Homie”
Dan: ahhh, makes sense

by Did Someone Say K May 3, 2022