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Gabby is one of those friends you can come too for ANYTHING. Like dude seriously, but Gabby's are also great with relationships(just don't expect them to top, they may have dominating attitudes but they will bratty bottom so quick) but i feel like everyone needs a Gabby in they're life because they like it when you open up and talk to them. Plus they might be really short

Bro Gabby is so cool

Lol Gabby is short

by Wrek_it_ralf January 18, 2021


A man that is called gabby by women, that hates being called gabby, and is a skinny bastard for eating way too fucking much. he is 100% straight but acts hella gay and his first kiss was to a dude on accident. somehow while pulling no women he manages too pull a shit ton of gay dudes.

Dude1: is that gabby?
dude2: yes it is lets go rape him

by TheJagMaster November 24, 2021


Gabby is the most attractive person, both inside and out. She is a very great friend and an even better lover. She has a bit of edge to her that is a little bit cute and a little bit dangerous. She is very energetic and outspoken and is not afraid to speak what is on her mind. She has a natural ability to make those around her feel comfortable. She needs some reassurance at times but when she is at her best she is an amazing and wonderful human being. Those that get to know her will find she has a very wild side. Her attention span is close to 0% but her ability to find something to do out of seemingly nothing makes up for it. She has many interests, including writing, gaming, music, and art. She loves all of the dogs she comes across and likes a large many of animals, but when it comes to bugs she is less than fond. One of her defining features is her dark sense of humor, which usually involves giving something an alternative, more dark manner to it. Her physical features are also very prominent. She has beautiful dark brown eyes and long dark hair. She also has a very attractive body shape ;)). If she is your lover she will treat you as such and will know how to make you happy. She gives very great cuddles and is physically affectionate. Also, I should mention she is a bit of a bimbo so you should watch out.

Is that gabby? She is so attractive.
I'd let Gabby step on me.
Looks like Gabby is on her 1000th adventure today!

by halyndor April 5, 2021


Gabby is someone you can trust and is the best friend you could’ve ever had she’s usually older than you and you NEVR I REPEAT NEVER WANNA MESS WITH HER... friends of you do she will litter my kil you burn you then eta off ur ashes because she knows u deserve if so then again don’t get on her bad side she says she will be single forever but she will be taken in like a year or so so if I were you don’t mess with also if ur her friend you should that she’s friends with her bffs exes except for that one dude she’s friends with a lot of lgbqt+ people and she likes hanging with them but sometimes she questions her sexuality so she questions her bff for help but At the end she’s still straight she says she ugly but she’s very very pretty and she is helpful with a lot of things but when you mess with her loving word lgbqt+ friends she will literally kill you so that’s gabby and also gabby is short for Gabriella if that’s how you spell it she gives good advice but when it comes to relationship advice she doesn’t know what to say she will even go to jail for her friends her best friend always dated that one hoe so be careful and if you date her just be careful she’s a bite over protective when it comes to her friends so yea and also her fri Ed’s love being over protective by gabby

Hey Gabby just told me something about how she’s mad at me then she tried killing me

Idk all I did was be funny and stupid with her friends

That’s why gabby is over protective protective


Ok now bye before she kills me for talking to you.

by Jas the rat55 May 17, 2020


Fawking legend

Eg. The Gabby over there is such a Gabby.

by zaddytrump March 9, 2021


A hashtag used when a girl wanna suck dick and fuck. Damn girl back at it again with porno. :)

I am going to put a #Gabby on the photo of that slut

by ChaboiiDownTheRoad March 2, 2016

Deja, gabby, glo

All three of these awesome will always be in my heart nobody what, I will always love them. They suck beside me every since I joined that gc. And I hope to always be there for them.

Deja, gabby, glo I will always she here for all 3 of you girls. I barely know you guys but I will always love you and always stick beside you, I will support all your decisions no matter what, you guys have my whole heart. I will always be here for you, I will always be your #1 supporter

by nayalovesu July 4, 2022