A grammar ostrich is one who doesn't know or care to understand how bad grammar affects the meaning of what they say, confuses others, and attacks anyone who points out or corrects the mistakes.
When corrected for saying "I want to insure you're happy." instead of "I want to ensure you're happy.", the grammar ostrich called the person trying to be helpful a grammar bitch. The grammar bitch tried to assure the ostrich that she was trying to be helpful, but this further ensured the ostrich's unwillingness to be helped. Fortunately, the bitch had insurance.
A late Argument move where someone intentionaly spels somthing wrong to see if they will correct it because if they do its a big sign they are running out of proper points to argue with
John was losing the argument until he used grammar baiting on steve, making him correct him
Someone who is has ignorent and biased views following their incorrect grammar refusing to except they have lost the battle.
People say I'm a grammar Nazi but jerry is such a grammar Hitler
used whenever someone has an obession with grammar and fantasizes about it deeply.
"i bet lucas just watches grammar porn, because he's obsessed with it."
Leon's grammar this is incomprehensible to the human race and animal kingdom. Nobody has a clue what on earth it says when leon writes something. The united states of america invested a trillion dollars into advanced calculators and machines to find out what a few words on the paper stood. When you read it will feel like you're having a stroke and you're reading minecraft enchanting table. Only leon himself can understand what it says. Many people have tried to read leon's grammar but have inevitably failed. If a teacher is trying to grade his test they will be confused on what it says and have to beg for help that leon is on standby and if he isn't they will feel more depressed than people trying to understand leon's writing. Leon please in your next life don't drop out of primary school.
Yoo leon did you get the science test done?
Yeah man want to see how much i wrote? some people call it 'leon's grammar'
Huh? weird let me see
*Feels like he's having a stroke*
hey you suck at grammaring
ooh yeah? watch this
He walked with the birds.