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Hobo Shank

The act of using the nail on your thumb that has grown very long as a shank because you don't have a real shanking device.

Peanut: "Hey that asshole over there called us gay."

(Friend walks over there and cusses him out)

Chapulin: "I hear that you were talking shit. Why don't you say that to my face, you pussy ass motherfucker!"

Big L: "What are you talking about? I barely even know you two!"

Chapulin: "Nigga, don't lie to me with your punk-ass self, man, don't make me hobo shank your pussy ass!"

by <XxMetalMonsterxX> December 4, 2009

hobo coat

Imbibing alcohol to feel warm, in lieu of a real coat.

Bill forgot to bring a jacket to the festival. No problem... he simply headed for the bar and put on his hobo coat.

by Csm1967 November 11, 2013

Hobo Mealing

The act of entering a local Wal-Mart and ordering popcorn chicken from the deli, then proceeding to not pay at the counter, and instead tour the store eating them. Taking a soda from the coolers and drinking is optional, but highly filling.

Hey Skylar, want to go do some Hobo Mealing?" "Naw man, I'm still full from the Hobo Mealing earlier!

by Quizzy The Great March 10, 2011

Hobo Urinal

n. A (very) public drinking fountain, where (homeless) people may have urinated.

*Alice and Bob walking in a park*
Bob: Hold up, I want to get a drink of water.
Alice: What, in that hobo urinal? How can you drink the water when it smells like rotten piss? Just wait until we get home.

*Couple of drunks walking in the park at night*
Guy 1: Man I gotta piss.
Guy 2: Me too!
Guy 1: I'm going to christen this hobo urinal.

by HondotheHappyHobo April 11, 2009


Smartphone-hobos are people who mooch off electricity in public places like train stations and airports. Since power outlets are almost always too far away from any seats, these poor fellows are forced to squat against walls and pillars in order to get the much needed juice for their electric gadgets.

I had plenty of time at the airport but the battery on my iPhone ran out. So I ended up as a smartphone-hobo because I had to use the public wifi.

by hiresake May 24, 2014

Hobo Shower

The act of using wet naps as a wash cloth or loofah to "clean" yourself.

This act is typically done by hobos, people on road trips, or people at music festivals that couldn't afford a hotel and now must do a "hobo shower" in the porta-potty.

Guy 1: Bro, there's a naked dude in the bathroom cleaning himself with a wetnap!
Guy 2: aw dude he's taking a hobo shower...he's probably going to the phish concert that's in town.

by Gusbus0691 March 14, 2017

Hobo luv

an expression used to greet a friend or an exclamation of joy

when im driving around my hood and see a friend I yell hobo luv and they say it back.

by i am THE ORIGINAL HOBO. November 18, 2010