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More than just corn because we also have soybeans, corn hole, racing, basketball, and rednecks.

Indiana has the best cornbread

by Indiana red neck March 5, 2022


A beautiful girl that is very funny and has a VERY photogenic look, her name also means corn(butthole) and is best friends with a yazi

Oh my look its a indiana

by Furyfriend July 31, 2019


A state of despair.

The Indiana smothering Austin, a town north of Louisville, showed itself in its burgeoning opioid epidemic, the heroin-addled prostitutes on the state highway and finally in an HIV-AIDS epidemic. Meanwhile Gary's Indiana is now older than half its people and other cities trying to govern themselves groan in Indiana as the state's government by cat-shooters and preachers suborned by tax money strangle them at every turn.

by Mitch and Mike's black book March 7, 2020


A women who is Hot and ready

That women is an Indiana

by Hot and ready August 8, 2022


tory person

indiana is a tory person

by jackhahahah January 31, 2024


Indiana is a beautiful name she’s sexy af and normally comes from a traveler community she normally has long hair and beautiful face if u meet a girl like Indiana u should keep her cause you’ll never find another like her..

Ohh that Indiana seeshhhh

by byyy someoneeeew November 22, 2021


Indiana is the type of state that everyone thinks of the same: corn. But to be fair, their right. Indiana also has a bunch of crackheads. And our weather is bipolar. Not one year of seasons is quite the same. And we’re not called Indians, we’re Hoosiers... get it right.

Person 1: I wanna go to Indiana, I’ve never been there.

Person 2 (Hoosier): no you wouldn’t.

by April 12, 2021