This is someone who has intense emotional issues. You do not want to be involved with a person with special shoes.
She wears special shoes.
Making a quick move or decision that could better your life.
Damn, if I had gotten here one minute sooner, I would have been able to grab the last maple bar... should have put a little shoe on the gas.
Taliban Shoe
Irish Idiom
An item, interest, or hobby that when brought up is extremely socially difficult to explain
Oi Oisin that fox tail you're wearing is quite the taliban's shoe
loosely translated word from brazil used to describe a sapphic woman
original word: sapatão
wlw: i’m a big shoe!
wlw #2: oh wow! me too!
wlw: let’s fuck!
N. When a girl gets so worked up and horny that her P.J. AKA pussy juice, runs down her leg and congeals inside of her shoe.
"Tammy's been on Cletus like a cheap suit all night. I bet she's got the ol' pudding shoe
A Shoe Deviant is someone that has a shoe fetish. Usually uses shoes as a sex aid or likes being walked on. May ware shoes whilst masturbating.
Dave the Shoe Deviant comes home from work closes the the curtains and inserts a stiletto heel inside himself and cums on the floor.
someone who is obsessed with shoes and purses whether by buying them or by thinking of them on an hourly bases :) ......
a "shoe-purseaholic" is someone who " LOST " count of how many shoes n purses they have , yet they still buy more :) .. in another words " ME "