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Mash you up

To have sex with someone with great force and power

Yeah that Lucy Iโ€™d mash her up
Iโ€™d Mash you up

by Mayson Wordsworth October 13, 2018

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Mash Bonga

also known as Loki or Jonny-Boy, he accquired this nick name after playing with a toddler. favours a black trench-coat and wears Jean-Paul Gautier

"oi Mash Bonga!" *small child jumps on his groin*

by BabyGirl May 20, 2003

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Mashed Potatoes And Gravy

When a man puts his bare ass on another man or woman face and moves it around saying "mash potatoes and gravy" in a girls voice.

Seth will not fight back when he gets a face full of Mashed Potatoes And Gravy he seemed to like it

by Lester the Melester kochishnv June 26, 2011

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Mexican Ass-mash

When you put a burrito on your dick and proceed to fucking somebody in the ass-hole.

Oh man, I gave her a Mexican Ass-mash last night, and when I was finished, her ass-hole was deep, dark purple. It was awesome!

by liamisawesome1111 October 2, 2015

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holy mashed potato

a fun word used to describe an outrageous or exciting moment:

"Dude i just completed the last level on cod!"
"holy mashed potato!"

by xXx_cheekyscrublord_xXx March 26, 2015

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wet mashed potatoes

Some dumb ass thing that guys think is funny. Girls find it terribly annoying because none of the boys will tell them what it means.

"Wet mashed potatoes"
*every guy around*


by LOV3DOCTOR September 22, 2015

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mashed potatoes and gravy

when a male/female would like to be shitted on literally n lick up the mess this term is used for sick basterds that like it kinky if this floats ya boat then try dirty sanchez

hey marcus what would you let that girl do to you? marcus:i'd let her shit on me and i'd eat it. ewww dude don't pull that "mashed potatoes and gravy" stuff on meee!

by mr. Alex Heller at your servic July 1, 2009

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