Source Code

Master Chimp

One, who while playing Halo 3 via Xbox Live, is so terrible in combat that they rely on throwing grenades randomly at their opponent, much like a chimp throwing feces. Also have a tendency to jump around randomly in the air, much like a mad primate.

Are often taken out with a good ol' smack to the head.

Oh man, that Slayer match on Sandtrap last night was so easy. There was this one Master Chimp I killed like 15 times!

by Seth Einus October 26, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Log master

The one who is the master of the turds

kid - "holy crap dude its the log master!"
log master - "It is I, the log master, kneel before my log!!!"

by FILLUP October 22, 2004

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Vagina Master

Mythical god whose touch can provide instant satisfaction to any vagina.

Hey Daisy, "That guy looks like a real Vagina Master."

by Math Man May 19, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Master Race

People who play PC games on PCs that aren't made by Apple.

Enjoying popular, overrated games like new Call of Duty games (Modern Warfare), World of Warcraft or The Sims excludes one from Master Race.

A gamer who isn't part of the master race is called a peasant.

Enjoy your RRODs, kiddies, no online (and no games), wagglan shovelware, paying for DLC, no upgrades, controllers useless for RTS or FPS and having an useless toy, which only plays (bad) games. At the same time I will enjoy my infinite collection of great games, most of which are better than the sum of garbage you can play on your toys. It feels good being Master Race.

by Coolthulhu June 14, 2011

485๐Ÿ‘ 284๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pimp Master

1. Master of pimps.

2. To pimp in such a way that a multitude of whores may be collected.

Tim: "Tim is da Pimp Master! Yeah!"
Robert: ".. You can just kiss the fattest part of my ass."

by 1337Ninj4 July 15, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

master chief

when a chick is sucking you off and you are about to finish you back up and run at her while jacking off and melee her w/ said cock and you shoot your load all over her for dramatic effect. Warning may only work on drunk girls, also spraining of the cock may occur when melee'ing bitches. have fun!!!

Sally is giving an awesome Blow J but you think she needs to be taken down a peg or two, so when you think your done you pull out run at her and while shooting said load onto face you melee her as hard as you can possibly trying to cum in mouth as well. master chief

by Jaron Huff December 11, 2007

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master cheif

The retards way of spelling "Master Chief" by getting the "ie" mixed around to make you look like a complete utter douchbag.

Geek: DUDE!!! omg i totaly pwn wit Master Cheif!!!!

Gamer: Umm, don't you mean Master "Chief"?

by Kevin Esser August 7, 2007

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