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im a mug

I’m basically saying I’m a motherfucker in British slang

Me:Oi see at wee cunt James
Friend :Aye at boys a right mug
Me: Aye I heard he said im a mug

by xxx_BIGDICKNOSCOPEKING_xxx January 8, 2018

Shister mug

Someone who’s a bullshitter and is full of themselves all the time. But doesn’t realise they are so full of themselves

Pheobe is such a shister mug. She does this to me all the time I hate it.

by Jaja3 September 9, 2018

Unt Mug

the unt mug is a passive aggressive mug which has the letters "unt" which are placed right after the c shaped handle

guy 1: "Hey did you go to the University of North Texas?"
guy 2: "No why."
guy 1: "Why do you have their mug then."
guy 2: *Takes sip from unt mug*
guy 1: *Notices*
also guy 1: "This is why i'm in therapy."

by the one guy you know September 8, 2020


Accosted suddenly by a hug without any consideration of consent.

I got exposed to Covid when I was hug-mugged upon encountering my friend.

by Seashell 808 October 9, 2022


someone who is incredibly ugly. Wayyy past fugly.

Dude: Woah look at that pimple face over there

Dude2: Ew, what a mug-a-tron

Girl: OMG i don't have makeup on today, i feel like a mug-a-tron.

by YaGirl987 February 24, 2011

dragon mug

referring to someone who is not pretty to look at. someone who is totally unattractive in the face.

"i hate that bitch. if she says one more thing, i'll punch her dead in that dragon mug."

by EllechicXOXO May 10, 2010

Mugged for merlot

When your drink order is taking too long

the wine delivery guy’s been stuck in the same spot for 10 minutes. I hate to say it, but I think we all got mugged for merlot tonight

by prinsesseidunn March 25, 2020