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Tiktok Nap

when you're tired and you get into bed just to watch tiktok to rest your brain

samantha: "hey, i'm going to go take a tiktok nap"
evan: "okay, i'll talk to you later"

by blissfulems September 15, 2023

Sock Nap

When a person takes, or more particularly "collapses into," a nap with the person's socks on due to a mentally depleting or tiring experience.

Friend 1: Have you talked to anyone about what happened at the party yet?
Friend 2: Just Shahin. I called him about it and he got so hyped that I had to take a sock nap afterwards.

by Gettin'Trippy September 16, 2019

Oil Nap

To consume enough hash oil to become very sleepy and have to find the closest, softest thing.

Moz: "I'll be over in a few hours, just gunna have a oil nap"
Andy: "We do those oil naps"

by dm8828 December 17, 2010

Seroquel Nap

When you pop your precribed dosage of Quetiapine and pass out for more than 12 hours

-Dude where were you you missed the whole afternoon!
-Yeah I thought I needed sleep last night so I did a cheeky Seroquel Nap

by Is0veli January 2, 2023


When you say you are working from home but you are really falling asleep at the keyboard due to being comfortable at home. At times the napping may be replaced by watching a movie or playing video games.

I decided to work from home today but little does the boss know I was tele-napping cause I stayed up too late last night playing video games

by hansolo007 October 21, 2011

cush nap

When your so high that you fall asleep.

At the party Marty got so high and took a cush nap on the floor

by custoner August 20, 2015

stoner nap

When you/someone gets so high on the green that you say you want to take a 30 minute nap and it turns into a 10 hour nap

Friend: I'm so tired wake me up in 30 minutes.

You: you aren't going to wake up anytime soon, trust me.

Your friend enters into a stoner nap.

by stonerjohnson December 8, 2015