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spice rape

When a person from a country that includes large amounts of spice in its diet (e.g. India) forcefully has sex or rapes another person.

Josh: Avneesh spice raped that girl last night.

Kunal: Thats not cool man...

by del_rey_gutta4547 September 22, 2007

67πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

rick rape

When an overly horny drunk guy repeatedly hits on or tries to hook up with you.

Last night I went to a club and this guy next to me had a few too many drinks and tried to rick rape me.

by viva2011 March 6, 2011

76πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Rape day

Who ever think this is cool is sick

Boy1: Hey it rape day.come closer
Girl1:hell no I don’t care

by May 20, 2021

50πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

AIM Rape

AIM Rape is when you see someone sign onto AOL Instant Messenger; and you message them before the little picture of the opening door goes away.

AIM Rape:

"OMG! Jordan just signed on, I have to say hi."

sororitygirlx: Hi
sororitygirlx: How are you
sororitygirlx: Where were you last night?
sororitygirlx: Why aren't you answering me?
sororitygirlx: I don't see it saying that you are typing
sororitygirlx: This is bullshit I'm coming over
thewaablah: sorry I can't reply while I'm still authing into the server.

by Jordan Roth October 8, 2005

80πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

cuddle rape

v. To sometimes violently cuddle with someone against their consent.

I couldn't sleep, much less breathe, because Adrienne was cuddle raping me all night.

by Tool Chest July 13, 2005

120πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

ass rape

Something that will happen to you in prison if you drop your soap in the shower

I was raped by Bubba because I dropped my soap in the shower.

by N/A July 27, 2003

757πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

cyber rape

The act of raping one via the internet. Analogous to cyber sex, except one of the two people does not want the sexually oriented messages. The recieving party feels harassed and scared as the cyber raper makes vulgar post like: "Show me your jumblies bitch, im gonna cock you so hard."

Chuck cyber raped me last night. He kept telling to call him stumpy while he munged a corpse.

by A-train April 17, 2005

131πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž