The saddest words of tongue and pen...
"For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
'It might have been!'" -- John Greenleaf, Maud Muller, 1856
Now go look it up, bitches.
63π 9π
It basically means goodbye forever. If you say this to another individual, you are telling them, from now on, from this moment on, you couldn't care less what happens to them, as long as you never see, or hear from them again. You are banishing them from your circle of loved ones and friends, from your life. It is almost always justified/warranted.
"Don't worry about responding to this. I just wanted you to know how I felt. Have a nice life."
54π 4π
The Drebins' catch phrase. It means that the person is watching you and knows some of your personal info like your name, and previous employment.
Drebin- Eye Have You.
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When somebody says something so stupid it's beyond repair. The act of being basic in the presences of a G.
Trina: BeyoncΓ© 's hair is all hers no weave
Alicia: go have several seats
87π 14π
Avoiding exposure to anything other than:
a. Cannabis
b. Pimp my ride
c. Playing guitar
d. Listening to incubus
"You out to night brains?" "nah think i'll have a mellow one"
8π 1π
Someone may be listening (a warning that someone could be listening into your conversation/ it is being overheard by someone)
Molly: Hey Josie! Did you hear about what happened to Jess? Josie: Shh! the walls have ears!
Something people say when they are in a life threatening situation
Please don't shoot, I have a family, look (pulls out wallet)