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If spelled backwards, it spells god

Me: *pets dog*
Me again: awww cute dog
My dog: no I’m god
Me: no silly dog
My dog: oh yeah? Who feeds me and gives me water? You! Who cleans my shit that’s outside? You! Who fixes all the mistakes I did like peeing on your bed, constantly making you sick because you’re allergic and who always DANM barks every night because you keep putting me in that DANM cage??? Who! Huh!!?!?
Me: Me :(
My dog: yeah!!!! Your my DANM slave and I’m god. DEAL WITH IT MOTHERF*CKER

by Epicgamer33 December 11, 2021

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A really cute domestic animal. Named ''Man's best friend'', it's for a reason. Deserves love, food, water, a home, and being walked.

Dog owner 1: I love my dog!
Dog owner 2: Same!

by the random. October 7, 2021

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that dog is a thot

by MANLOVER23 October 25, 2017

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Acts as a shadow to humans but doesn't disappear when it's dark. This particular shadow also requires food and exercise.

Is also a source of unconditional love, joy and entertainment.

The dog followed me to the bathroom then to the kitchen and proceeded to beg for food.

by papipup October 30, 2017

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A dog is a must have object that come in all shapes and sizes. The dog comes from the wolf which loves being with.
They are better then cats

dogs get your shoes

by man's best freind June 11, 2017

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Man’s best friend in every possible way. A dog will listen to you even when nobody else does.

β€œHey! Who is your best friend?”
β€œMy best friend is my dog.”

by Doggo:) November 11, 2019

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chinese food


by polikmonn April 30, 2019

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