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Cloud Floof

A fluffy, furry cat, white to dark grey in color.

Black Floofs are know as Voids.

I saw the most awesome Cloud Floof today, it was totally Floofed Out!

by poveryonwheels February 15, 2023

Cloud of sunshine

Similar to ball of sunshine but more unique and different

Lizzie is a cloud of sunshine today”

by Colby_bae_brock_ on insta ;) August 3, 2021

cloud driving

HCloud driving

Cloud drivingGazing stuck on stupidconfusedYou know that blank lost look people get when they are just staring at nothing and go without blinking?

by pinkie sparkles February 4, 2014

Cloud Kid

A teenage kid that vapes/juuls

Mike is a cloud kid

by Cloudboi December 25, 2018

Cloud Murderer

An unflappably optimistic and sunny person; a term generally used by pessimists and nihilists who've had their dark mood spoiled by a random act of kindness.

Person A: "Woah, what happened to you? You're smiling!"
Person B: "I know... this fucking cloud murderer came out of nowhere, told me they liked my jacket, handed me a flower, and told me to have a nice day! I didn't know what to do, so I smiled back and said thank you..."

by Bunny Rose January 19, 2018

cloud machine

An ecig, the words a cloud machine describe an ecig by the clouds that come from the machine

"Yo pass us my cloud machine"

"Don't you mean ecig?"
"Same thing bro"

by Cloudman123 October 9, 2017

cloud music

Cloud music a style of music which is mostly made up of chill and airy sounds with little words. The name came from how the music makes your feel which is very light almost light your flouting on a cloud. Often associated with Stoner music.

While listening to cloud music close your eyes and let the music consume you.

Popular in Europe, Russia, and Ukraine.

Cloud music takes me beyond this world

by MayIUseTheBathroom? November 16, 2017