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Oscar Ayala

Capitalist bastard. Often has strong views against abortions, health insurance and anything good for the US.

Likes to bomb places and would hate to see Goerge Bush lose the next Election.

Politician A: So, what are your opinions on ____?
Politician B: Well, I think that _____ is bad, and we'll go to hell if we endorse it. Let's go bomb Iraq instead.
Politician A: You're such an Oscar Ayala.

by Frankie February 8, 2004

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Oscar the grouch

1. A character from sesame street that was always an asshole to everyone.

2. An incompetent ex (or soon to be ex) who always is in a bad mood and knows exactly how to drag you down.

"Hey! How was your night with your boy/girl?"

"God, like another episode of Sesame Street. I thought I got rid of Oscar the grouch once I hit puberty."

by ohshitwassup January 25, 2009

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Oscar Marsh

A man with a below average semen count. An Oscar can often be found smoking weed or masterbating to ladyboy

Oscar Marsh has been caught getting head behind McDonalds for five pound from an extra terrestrial called Eloise

by Yourlocalcokedealer September 1, 2018

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Oscar Isaac

He's the sweetest human being in the world

He's amazing at acting and a very pretty human being

I love this man with my entire heart

"Oscar Isaac is adorable"

by ValkyrieStark May 12, 2022

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oscar naranjo

A young sexy Latin boy or men who funny charming and loyal

Oscar Naranjo is so handsome

by Oscar2002 May 9, 2019

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Street Oscar

To be handed drugs on the street without paying for them.

Royo got offered a street Oscar yesterday. The man offered heroin saying, "It look like you need a fix".

by mungfist September 20, 2013

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oscar hurrel

An Oscar Hurrel is a person with a massive forehead

Wow, look at that Oscar Hurrel

by Photen July 27, 2017

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