A Safe Farm is a farm that is located in in the woods in order for you to be protected from society, the main uses of a Safe Farm is to keep a low profile if you have ever done a Crank-Dat video, if you have done a Crank-Dat video; GET YOUR ASS A SAFE FARM NOW AND WATCH YO' BACK!!! But a Safe Farm is very useful as you can grow your own weed, don't have to worry about baby mama's, and have peace to yourself.
** Due note that there could be wild animals in the area that will pick on your crops and could potentially cause harm to you, just remember to keep a frying pan on you and you should be good :)
''Like A good Nigga, Safe Farm is there''
A dating website full of nothing but unattractive prospects.
Dude that match.com website is a straightup catfish farm !
To farm chickens in a skilled manner, illegal in Alaska and Nigeria. Only gamers are aloud to chicken farm
Wow! Did you just Chicken farm in Alaska? Chicken farming is illegal there
When you fill a bathtub with various types of warmed animal semen, usually farm animals, and bathe in it.
Man I really enjoyed that Animal Farm last night.
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When you find farming too easy and you need to “turn em’ green” in order to hit your weekly targets – It is common for the leader of the farm shout “Farm Harder” in order to ensure you “turn em’ green” and hit your farming targets. When it is shouted it is common to hear all the other farmers shout back in unison “Farm Harder” and this is usually proceeded by everyone “Farming Harder” and enjoying a cold Beer to celebrate hitting their farming targets. You could also shout “Up the Baggies” to illicit the same response.
Farm Harder...everyone is now farming harder to hit their targets
A breeder who is not a Domestic Animal Business.
These dogs can be born and raised in horrible conditions. Living on top of each other without proper vet care. These breeders can often have sick puppies without any health guarantee. Buyers can be left with huge vet bills and with the breeder nowhere to be found.
Even a breeder who may have a nice website could be a puppy farm if they are not a Domestic Animal Business.
I would never get my puppy from a puppy farm!
digging around in public ashtrays/ashcans for partially smoked cigarettes
The hotel valet saw a homeless man tobacco farming in front of the hotel.