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powder puff pants

The act of getting sexually aroused by rolling around heaping piles of powderd milk while wearing leggings and bunny ears.

Dusty loves her job and always leaves satisfied when she rocks her powder puff pants.

by whatsyourpseudonym? December 12, 2016

Powder puffing

When you prepare a line of coke on a girls arsehole and have her fart it into your nose.

Jake got really messed up from powder puffing Megan's arse all weekend long

by Helios_nex August 31, 2016

powder snobs

A bunch of freeloading hippies who hang out at the local ski hill “tent city or some shity RV etc. “ for the biggest dump of fresh snow only to ruin it for the rest of the normal skiers and snowboarding group that contributes to the ski hill. Usally on unemployment insurance or welfare drinking some shit brand of beer while having the best ski gear noted.

It dumped a foot of snow Thursday but I know thoses powder snobs already ruined it by the time I sent it Saturday

by Fredophile February 4, 2018

snowman powder

A nickname for cocaine. Sounds like it came from a 1980s animated film about fairies.

Guy 1: Dude, I need a fix. Let's go get some snowman powder.
Guy 2: What the fuck is that? Sounds like some gay shit.

by TheRealDickCox November 24, 2010

Psytrance powder

"only fools and horses take psytrance powder"

Psytrance powder known as a rival to techno dust. it`s ket, first appeared in psytrance raves and wook parties and is now starting to rival ecstacy in popularity in the mainstream club scene; probably due to its cheap price and lack of a comedown.

smelly Psytrance addicts/wooks love this drug. they will go to the ends of the Earth to get it and will completely and utterly fuck you up if you won’t give it to them.

People say that he’s crazy. Crazy is an understatement. He has essentially become a slave to Ketamine.

"ketamine - just say neigh"

Yo bro, do you have some psytrance powder to make psykovskys set bearable?
Yeah i got it, just boof it.

by Elecscy June 23, 2020

Forbidden Powder

Forbidden powder is a term for nose candy, or forbidden flour, or forbidden sugar. Basically cocaine.

Mark: *goes to the back of the CVS
Mark: Yea, I'm here for the forbidden powder.
Mysterious Man: You want... flour?
Mark: No, cocaine!
Mysterious Man: Well, say that next time, dumbass.

by MicrosoftTextSupport November 13, 2023

Powder bomb

When a woman puts coke in her ass and farts it on ur face. Powder bomb!!

My chick gave me a tasty powder bomb last night.

by Miracke whip January 5, 2025