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stupid slap

when you slap someone on the back of the neck for doing or saying something stupid

come here so i can give you a stupid slap for saying that dumb shit

by jay October 27, 2004

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Blasphemy Slap

The slap given after one has commited a blasphemy, to discourage it's continued use.

Rick: "Dude, Jonas just told me that he hates Guitar Hero!"
Rob: "You called blasphemy on him right?"
Rick: "Hell yeah I did, and he got a blasphemy slap to teach him a lesson."
Rob: "Sweet."

by AtticMonster April 3, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Freudian Slap

When you accidentally touch someone else's body in an inappropriate way, such as if your hand touches someone else's butt while walking. Often leads to embarrassment and awkwardness for both people.

*Naomi and Nicky walking along, Nicky's arm swings too far and hits Naomi's butt*
Nicky: Oh god, I'm sorry!
Naomi: Freudian Slap!

If it were to occur repeatedly:
"Stop Freudian Slapping me!"

by Cynicky August 23, 2007

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tittie slap

tittie slap is when you tittie fuck a girl and her boobs slap her face

i made that girl tittie slap her self hella bad.......haha

by tittie slapped August 4, 2006

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slap dick

slap dick- one for whom even the simplest task represents a monumental challenge. One who is forced to re-learn all tasks on a daily basis due to exceedingly low intellect.

When Evan confessed he accidently scalded himself in the shower every morning he was instantly recognized as a total slap dick.

by JPMcTeague September 2, 2003

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Snakeskin Slap

The act of responsibly using a condom during sex, then, while hiding the fact that you're about to cum, pull out, rip the condom off, and simutaneously slap her in the face with the condom while re-penetrating and cumming in the lucky girls vagina.

Last night I snakeskin slapped that bitch from the bar but I think she gave me herpes.

by Lord Indrid November 12, 2009

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Sandusky Slap

Rhythmic, wet clapping noise made by repeated pounding of the loins against the naked buttocks of another while in the shower.

I walked by the locker room and heard the distinct sound of a Sandusky Slap coming from the shower stalls.

by JayCeePee November 10, 2014

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