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slaying the lust dragon

"Slaying the lust dragon",is another name for cronic masterbation,to the point where your penis gets really fat and red.

teen one:hey man,want to hang out today?
teen two:not today man,im gonna be slaying the lust dragon.
teen one:remember the ice man,remember the ice...

by tdodnation July 12, 2012

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Bombastic Slay Monkey

have you ever met some so cool and awesome and talented that you cant find a compliment to give them? this is it. you can only say this to someone who is very vitelavadina. examples of bombastic slay monkeys: shakira, beyonce, pitbull, tupac, missy cooper

Girl 1#: I learned how to swim!!

by vitelavadina June 12, 2023

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Zachary Taylor Slay

A bitch

"That dude Zachary taylor slay is a bitch ong'

by chodemane August 31, 2022

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slay my life

when you want someone to be apart of you

"wow vieceli you really slay my life"
"let's go to dunkin so you can slay my life"

by jabsgirl117 February 13, 2016

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Yass Queen Slay

A word used by GAY people. They are the most weirdest people and go in school saying "YASS QUEEN SLAY" like stfu thaks

Im a gay dude and say "Yass queen slay" I have no father

by bruhwhoyou May 11, 2022

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During a BeyoncΓ© concert:

" The Queen Slayed that stage!"

by Ariana22 June 11, 2016

14πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Krissy the slaying bitch

Krissy the slaying bitch is a bitch and he slays all the days way and he is a just a call mf with a long as dick that no one but kalidescope slay slay bark bark renegade the third can ride and he just cant be stopped he is just next level

Krissy the slaying bitch is hella hot

by Kris the slaying human April 19, 2023

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