An extended summer day. Referenced in the first Game of Thrones book, chapter 52; John (Snow). The description of a lingering summer. An autumn day that feels hotter than usual often referred to in the USA as an Indian Summer.
The day was hotter than usual and the wall seemed to weep.
It is awfully hot for October. It's a spirit summer for sure!
Energy Signatures Magnetic Pull and Zero Pull.
Energy Signature Magnetic Pull.
Image Space a pineal gland mentally generated imagination, Image Space magnetic’s to get Rumble Pack a imagened and mostly sensed very high powered magnet in image space to get bonja an expense of energy or the sense of loss of energy to ch’i a Biomagnetic energy signature.
Energy Signature Zero Pull. Rumble Pack a very high powered ball or spherical magnet.
I can sense his Energy Signature Qi also Ki or Ch'i or Spirit Energy
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An extreamly spiritual person or game that everyone should be a part of
The most wonderful horse ever. He has won 10 national titles and 5 reserve titles, and countless smaller titles. No matter what he keeps going.
My favorite horse ever is Spirit Afire
This expression refers to someone who has the performance, mentality, work ethic, and mindset of a (good) full-time employee but unfortunately has the pay of a part-time employee (as that is what they technically are).
I go above and beyond work all the time. I love it so much and hate it at the same time. It is such a complicated relationship I have and the situation has just really made me realize that I have a full-time spirit and part-time pay. It's truly so unfair!
Look at that, she made a movie about herself, that's kind of like an artist that paints pictures or murals of themself around town to make money. Despite all the people she tried to make fun of by calling narcissistic in life, it doesn't get any more narcissistic than that.
Spirit untamed is about you, not about anybody else. What did anybody expect?
Look at that, she made a movie about herself, that's kind of like an artist that paints pictures or murals of themself around a town they're not even from. Despite all the people she tried to make fun of in life by calling them narcissistic, it doesn't get any more narcissistic than that.
Spirit untamed is about you, what did people expect it to be about, somebody else?