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Western Teabagging

When you teabag someone wearing a cowboy hat and assless chaps

Provide gossip to Americans about other Americans.

“There ain’t enough room for the both of us partner, prepare for some Western Teabagging!”

“She wouldn’t give us the Western Teabag we asked for.”

by Mallywags June 27, 2019

teabag folding

It is the monotonous folding of paper squares into rosettes and other shapes. A good activity to entertain colleagues on a Friday afternoon. Not to be confused with teabagging.

Contrary to popular belief, teabag folding does not involve tea bags.

by coffeefolder July 2, 2010

Teabag Bandit

To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth or the eye socket of another person while they are sleeping. Then latter showing them a photo or evidence of I happening, but no evidence of who it was.

Sam "I saw a photo of Josh getting tea bagged last night, but you couldn't see who's balls it was"

James "yeah we will never know unless we catch him in the act, cause he's the Teabag bandit"

by secretsquirrel2 July 30, 2014

eiffel teabag

High-fiving your buddy while dipping your balls into the same person's mouth.

Sweet Eiffel Teabag, bro! Should we kiss now, or what?

by blingblingishere March 1, 2016

Texas teabag ticklers

Huge butterfly like false eyelashes that are used to Butterfly kiss you like your Mom used to, just not where.

My Mom used to give me butterfly kisses on my face as a child with her eyelashes, well I was teabagging this gal from Dallas that had the biggest Texas teabag ticklers I ever saw, they caused me to flash back like Kung Fu to my Mother kissing me and I immediately went impotent!

by cobrafang May 20, 2021

Devil's Teabag

sun burned scrotum

I was out on the nude beach for too long today and now I have a Devil's Teabag

by dswow May 10, 2020

Bigfoot’s Teabag

When you dip your scrotum into the bowl piece of a bong, then proceed to light your pubic hair on fire, which then creates smoke for you to inhale through the mouth piece.

Mikey went to grab the bong and i knew he was about to commit the bigfoot’s teabag.

by StrangeSak69 June 30, 2020