A conservative college campus in Grand Rapids Michigan where it’s common to see females on their knees both worshiping God and devouring cock. The girls are so thirsty for white christian dick it’s easy to “get some”, as long as you make constant appearances in chapel. The dorm buildings are older than my grandmother’s dry crotch. Unfortunately, the school is so incredibly strict on open dorm times that it is hard to have alone time with the many hoes wandering the campus.
If you visit, make sure to bring protection!
“Have you been to Cornerstone University? It’s pretty lame. I heard John got some wet pussy there though.”
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Steven Universe is a TV show about 3 aliens called gems and Steven, the main character. Steven is the only human/gem hybrid in the show, and he inherits his mother’s shield, bubble, sword and lion. His mother was a gem and his father, Greg, is a human. Since gems don’t usuallly give birth and instead burst out of the ground, Rose (Steven’s mother) had to sacrifice her physical form to give birth to Steven. Steven and the three gems (garnet, pearl and amethyst) are known as the crystal gems and are constantly fighting gem mutants, corrupted gems and gems from their homeworld. They fight gems from their homeworld because they are rebels. Some episodes have morals, however most episodes are simply meant for entertainment.
Did you watch Steven Universe? I think it it a decent show.
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Awesome series about the trials and tribulations of college. That is, if your college enrolls Bigfoot, Optimus Prime, a floating green alien named Gorp, and monkeys.
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A place of higher education where the student body is probably smaller than your body. This school is so small, you could accidently step on it. Hence why the tuition costs more than Bill Gates makes in a decade.
I go to DeSales University... How's the weather down there?
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A small private university in the state of New York about 5 hours north of civilization. While some consider us a prestigious institution, we accept about 77% of applicants (the remaining 23% were accepted to SUNY Canton) which makes us one of "those" colleges. Despite these facts, our mostly male student body has a level of cockiness and arrogance that is unmatched to anything in this cold dark god forsaken area of New York State. We often look down at the neighboring students of SUNY Potsdam, even though their acceptance rate is about 63%, as if we went to an ivy league school. The sad thing is, our tuition (over $50k a semester) is comparable to an Ivy League school's tuition. The only difference is; you have all heard of the ivy league schools, no one has heard of Clarkson University. While our rich parents were not rich enough to get our dumb asses into a better school, they are rich enough to send us to Potsdam NY to suffer in the cold weather, as punishment for bringing them great shame.
Harvard Student: Hey bro! I'm so excited, I got accepted to a really good school!
Clarkson Student: I bet my school is better, I just got accepted to Clarkson University. (with pinky up)
Harvard Student: HA!
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A highly prestigious liberal arts university in Springfield, Ohio known for hot girls, excessive amounts of alcohol, relentless parties, bar crawls, and anything else that doesn't have to do with getting an education.
I go to Wittenberg University.
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A small isolated bubble located in Irving, TX. Where excessive study and UD nerdy jokes are passed around at a near continual rate. The students here can makes jokes about about Homer, Plato, and Dante and no outsider will laugh....ever. Majors include practical studies in philosophy, english, and the classics. The coolest thing is the cap bar! Students here believe "the groundhog" to be a sacred animal and dedicate a whole night of drinking to it. Frisbee and Rugby are the only sports people care about. Freshman live in highly stereotyped dorms. Sophomores live in "The New Dorm." Upperclassmen live in the glorified dump across the street known as "Old Mill." Students look forward to Rome because they can spend the semester drinking and not have to worry about Campus "Safety" Officers catching them. It has a set of core classes that everyone complains about. No Lit Trad paper is started until the night it is due. The most beautiful thing about the campus is the tower nicknamed, "the Penis of Las Colinas." Students each in "The Rat."
A UD student will get the joke, "Glaucon likes the dark ones."
The University of Dallas is a bubble community.
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