1) A complete retard
2) Someone who lives/ was born in a cave
Tumshi runs around jumping in puddles laughing
Baird: What a cave wain
When you smoke weed then proceed to blow smoke into your partners anal cavity creating cave
Ay where did you go last night
Oh I went to go Colorado cave Becky
The act of shaving when your not supposed to. Times such as No Shave November or on any bet that involves going for a long period of time without shaving.
Random Dude- Hey are you doing No Shave November?
Other Dude- Hell yeah man
2 weeks later
Random Dude- What happened?
Other dude- I cave shaved...
The recognizable, unique smell in a night club that blasts you in the face when you enter. It's a cocktail aroma of perfume, cologne, breath, alcohol, smoke, soapy sweat, body odor, and pheromones -- all mixed together and cooled by the A/C that blows it throughout the enclosed space and out the front door.
The powerful stench of cave dank emanates from every night club on 5th and E St.
When you rub your cum into or on another persons body. Acts as an exfoliant, a moisturizer, or a balm.
“Let me have that cave lotion, my lips are cracking”
“Give me a few squirts of your cave lotion”
When someone turns the light off on you when you're taking a dump.
I went into the bathroom, turned on the light and someone was in a stall cave dumping.
When a person applies Sriracha on their penis and insert it into another person's anus.
I have a bottle of hot sauce, let's try the Sriracha Cave tonight.