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cave wain

1) A complete retard
2) Someone who lives/ was born in a cave

Tumshi runs around jumping in puddles laughing
Baird: What a cave wain

by JediFalco May 11, 2005

Colorado Cave

When you smoke weed then proceed to blow smoke into your partners anal cavity creating cave

Ay where did you go last night

Oh I went to go Colorado cave Becky

by Crackpipejoe April 6, 2017

Cave Shaved

The act of shaving when your not supposed to. Times such as No Shave November or on any bet that involves going for a long period of time without shaving.

Random Dude- Hey are you doing No Shave November?

Other Dude- Hell yeah man

2 weeks later

Random Dude- What happened?

Other dude- I cave shaved...

by jaydogg339 November 14, 2011

Cave Dank

The recognizable, unique smell in a night club that blasts you in the face when you enter. It's a cocktail aroma of perfume, cologne, breath, alcohol, smoke, soapy sweat, body odor, and pheromones -- all mixed together and cooled by the A/C that blows it throughout the enclosed space and out the front door.

The powerful stench of cave dank emanates from every night club on 5th and E St.

by The Gideon Lion July 30, 2021

Cave Lotion

When you rub your cum into or on another persons body. Acts as an exfoliant, a moisturizer, or a balm.

“Let me have that cave lotion, my lips are cracking

“Give me a few squirts of your cave lotion”

by King Kandy September 18, 2021

cave dumping

When someone turns the light off on you when you're taking a dump.

I went into the bathroom, turned on the light and someone was in a stall cave dumping.

by soonermajic September 19, 2017

Sriracha Cave

When a person applies Sriracha on their penis and insert it into another person's anus.

I have a bottle of hot sauce, let's try the Sriracha Cave tonight.

by SatanmanRulz November 16, 2021