A fat girl who has no curves but is still to big to wrap your arms around
"Hey man did you see Sam at the party last night?"
"Yeah dude she's a total Thick Pencil"
"Haha Ew"
As a firefighter you respond to an scene where a Polish man who speaks no English is pointing toward his backside indicating pain. The 14 year old girl next door speaks English and translates for you.
Excuse me, 14 year old girl. Can you tell us what he’s saying? In broken English she responds, “He says he has a pencil stuck up his bum.” Ah, a polish pencil push, never get tired of seeing this.
Being "pencil shanked" is when a sharpened pencil is in your front pocket, point up, and you bend over. The sharp pencil stabs you in the stomach and leaves a small grey mark where the graphite entered the skin.
You can be "pencil shanked" by someone as well. They just stab you with a sharpened pencil. That is all.
"Pencil shanking" is a common problem in schools. Others affected include writers, artists, the intelligent, geeks, nerds, teachers, businessmen and women, parents, and prisoners, although anyone with pockets or enemies can be "pencil shanked."
Steve: "F*CK!"
Bob: "I just saw you bend over, what happened?!"
Steve: "My writing implement was in my pocket when I leaned over! I just pencil shanked myself!"
The deafening phrase used in the torturous chambers of a math class. This phrase is said while banging on the desk with a ruler, preferably breaking it, simply for the satisfaction gained from your pain. There is no annoyance like this one, as this will happen at any sudden moment. There is no reason behind why it is said, or if it is for specific situations. However all I know is after experiencing this, you will see the world for what it truly is. Beware.
Class: *Completely silent*
Teacher: *suddenly banging ruler on desk* PENS PENCILS DOWN
Class: *sobbing* Ms please, we are doing nothing wrong...
*ruler shatters*
Class: *dies*
This here is the phrase Satan said when God and all his angels tried to stop him. this is the phrase that echoes through hell over the screams of all villains. This is the phrase that had the dinosaurs go extinct. This here, this very phrase, is the reason people cannot hear such high frequencies.
At one point in everybody's life, someone will experience the "pens pencils down". It is just like chickenpox, and whether or not you get it when your in a grade 8 math class with a teacher who's one goal is the cause you pain, you will get it at some point. Beware of this, because this in itself is a rite of passage. This in itself will cause you nightmares and pain beyond understanding. This is hell.
This phrase will catch you completely by surprise, in a time where you think there will be no need for quiet. However, as I have learned, there always is a lead. Be careful my good friends, and expect the unexpected because if you are not ready like I was, you will know the pain and suffering I went through.
Class: *chatting normally while the teacher does her thing*
Evil female looking math teacher with ruler weapon at hand: PENS PENCILS DOWN
Class: *crying in pain*
Stalin: *stands up unsteadily*...
No you, miss.
Evil female looking math teacher with ruler weapon at hand: *dies*
When you put 2 pencils in your ear and see how many dicks you can suck before they fall out.
Bob: Wow Johnny I got to 3 in the Chinese Pencil Party.
Johnny: Those are rookie numbers. I got to 10.
Violating the space between someone's ear and the side of their head with your phallus.
Sorry bro, I snuck into your room last night and gave it to you in the builders pencil.